Thursday, April 26, 2018

TENNIS CLUB: The Last Practice

Howdy Ags,

I hope your week has been productive and good! This will be my last email (probably) for the semester. I know, very sad!

Today is the last practice for the semester. Let's do it big here and make it the best. 

This Saturday is our tennis formal! Make sure you come out and eat, reminisce, and have a good time. We will be announcing the results for our officer positions, too!

Although practice is over, we will still have the balls available for you all to hit with. There are some stressful weeks for some of you so feel free to hit during a break or a breather. 

Lastly, thank you all for a great year! I loved  every bit of tennis club and I enjoyed serving as your Secretary. I hope the next officer team does a great job and keeps every member in mind! 

Thanks and Gig 'Em,

Sergio Ramirez

Tennis Club Secretary

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Monday, April 16, 2018


Howdy Ags,

I hope your day is going great!

Just a reminder that voting ends at 11:59 and votes will be counted at noon! Make sure you vote by then.

Thanks and Gig 'Em

Sergio Ramirez 
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Re: Tennis Club Votes

***TO VOTE**

Email with the name and position of who you are voting for. Thank you!

On Thu, Apr 5, 2018 at 11:30 AM, Texas A&M Tennis Club <> wrote:
Howdy Ags,

I hope your week has been good! It's that point in the semester so make sure you stay focused and finish strong! Here are a couple of announcements for you:

Today, April 5th, Voting has begun! Make sure you look here to see the candidates, what they're running for, and why they think they would be good for the job. Being an officer is more than just a resume builder, especially for an organisation as great as this one. With the members in mind, officers are in charge of ensuring the development of the Club. Read each paragraph carefully as you elect your Executive Officer team for the next year. 

Also today, April 5th, we are having our Blaze Profit Share. Between 8 and 10:30pm, come and support the best Tennis Club in the Nation! Make sure you show this flyer so that we earn that income. 

Coming up fast on April 28th, Tennis Club presents: The Annual Tennis Formal! Come on out with your best date and dress as you take a look back at the year and officer results. You're welcome to bring a guest but make sure to let us know ahead of time. Click here to RSVP. We need to know the amount of people ASAP so make sure you RSVP yourself and your guest. 

That's all for now folks, Thank you for your participation and if you have any questions or concers, feel free to ask away!

As always, Thanks and Gig 'Em, 

Sergio Ramirez

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tennis Club Votes

Howdy Ags,

I hope your week has been good! It's that point in the semester so make sure you stay focused and finish strong! Here are a couple of announcements for you:

Today, April 5th, Voting has begun! Make sure you look here to see the candidates, what they're running for, and why they think they would be good for the job. Being an officer is more than just a resume builder, especially for an organisation as great as this one. With the members in mind, officers are in charge of ensuring the development of the Club. Read each paragraph carefully as you elect your Executive Officer team for the next year. 

Also today, April 5th, we are having our Blaze Profit Share. Between 8 and 10:30pm, come and support the best Tennis Club in the Nation! Make sure you show this flyer so that we earn that income. 

Coming up fast on April 28th, Tennis Club presents: The Annual Tennis Formal! Come on out with your best date and dress as you take a look back at the year and officer results. You're welcome to bring a guest but make sure to let us know ahead of time. Click here to RSVP. We need to know the amount of people ASAP so make sure you RSVP yourself and your guest. 

That's all for now folks, Thank you for your participation and if you have any questions or concers, feel free to ask away!

As always, Thanks and Gig 'Em, 

Sergio Ramirez

Texas A&M Tennis Club