Sunday, September 17, 2017

TAMU Tennis Club

Howdy Ags!

I hope you're enjoying the rest of your weekend. Just a few reminders about tourneys and events coming up so I'll try to be brief.  

-Today, September 17th, Deadline to sign up for our Ranking Tournament is today so click Here to sign up. Remember you can sign up for any of the three draws and dues must be paid to participate

- Friday, September 22nd, On-time dues are closing and the price is changing from $80 to $85. Follow this link to pay -->

-Saturday, September 23rd, Our Ranking Tournament begins, make sure to take plenty of water and be on the look out for your play time. 

-Thursday, September 28th, Our first profit share will be at the Chik-fil-a on Texas Ave. from 8-11pm. We can head over after practice and enjoy Heaven-sent waffle fries or you can go at your own leisure. 

-Saturday, September 30th, BOY HOWDY! We will be going to our first TOC of the year in Arlington. Be sure to sign up by clicking 'Going' on the event, located on our Facebook page. 
You can also click here and it should take you to it. 

That's all for now, but feel free to send any questions you may have my way.

Thanks and Gig 'Em, 
Sergio Ivan Ramirez
Texas A&M Tennis Club

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