Thursday, September 28, 2017

Practice is Cancelled

Howdy Ags,

Practice is cancelled for today. Have a safe and wonderful Thursday night. 

Thanks and Gig 'Em
Sergio Ivan Ramirez
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Boy Howdy, Tennis Club Reminders

Howdy Ags! 

I hope your week has started off swell. Here are a few reminders for ya:

Tonight, the challenge ladder goes up. Refresh yourselves with the rules and challenging etiquette by going to our website and clicking on the 'Challenge Ladder' tab. We did edit the rules a tad but you can start challenging tonight. 

Thursday, September 28th is our Chick-fil-a profit share! Bring your friends, roommates, pets and all. Don't forget to mention it's for the Club when paying or it won't benefit us. Also on Thursday, the deadline for Beaumont tournament sign up closes. Be sure to click 'going' if you can go. Friendly reminder, we don't consider maybe's a yes so signing up are yeses only.

Saturday, September 30th, we have our Arlington tournament. Your team captains should have contacted you by now regarding transportation and shelter for you. If you do not have a ride or a place to stay, let him/her know so we can one one for you. 

A-A-Alrighty folks, that's all for now. If you have any questions, let me know.

Thanks and Gig 'Em,
Sergio Ramirez

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Ranking Tournament

Howdy all,

If you did not see the facebook post, our Competition Officer wanted you guys to know the following:

For those playing in tomorrow's portion of the tournament, the following people should report to A&M Consolidated High school at 8:15 ready to begin promptly at 8:30.

Sujay Singh
Marc Elizondo
Jorge Ruiz
Asahi Watanabe
Dillon Humpal
Matthew Truong
Erik Thorsen
Zack Westenhaver

Megan Baxter
Emily Ullom
Larissa Lopez
Lauryn Reyes

Jacob Escobedo
Chris Crookston
"Sergio" Ivan Ramirez
Ben Crocker

Taylor Adams
Keleigh Trabing
Sara Hastings
Candis Wright

All others please report at 9:00. There will be some delays as there are several people in multiple events. Sorry for the inconvenience.
See y'all soon.

-Cam Bam Thank You Ma'am

Good job to everyone who played and everyone who is playing tomorrow, drink water and get some rest!

Thanks and Gig 'Em, 

Sergio Ramirez
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Quick Tennis Reminders

Howdy Ags!

I hope your hump day is going swell! Just a quick reminders:

We have practice today, from 7pm to 9pm so if you're like me and like to cram everything, come out and play before our season kicks off. 

Deadline to sign up for the Arlington tournament is tomorrow. Follow this link to the Facebook page and click 'Going' on the event. 

The ranking tournament is this weekend, check your emails for Cameron's Byrds email regarding start times and the draws. If you haven't gotten that email, let me know to fix that. Remember to pay dues either here or at the tournament desk. $80 now or $85 starting the 23rd

Next Thursday is our Chik-fil-a profit share from 8-11pm on Texas Ave. 

Alrighty folks, that's it for now, remember to BTHO of Fall 2017. 

Thanks and Gig 'Em,
Sergio Ivan Ramirez
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, September 17, 2017

TAMU Tennis Club

Howdy Ags!

I hope you're enjoying the rest of your weekend. Just a few reminders about tourneys and events coming up so I'll try to be brief.  

-Today, September 17th, Deadline to sign up for our Ranking Tournament is today so click Here to sign up. Remember you can sign up for any of the three draws and dues must be paid to participate

- Friday, September 22nd, On-time dues are closing and the price is changing from $80 to $85. Follow this link to pay -->

-Saturday, September 23rd, Our Ranking Tournament begins, make sure to take plenty of water and be on the look out for your play time. 

-Thursday, September 28th, Our first profit share will be at the Chik-fil-a on Texas Ave. from 8-11pm. We can head over after practice and enjoy Heaven-sent waffle fries or you can go at your own leisure. 

-Saturday, September 30th, BOY HOWDY! We will be going to our first TOC of the year in Arlington. Be sure to sign up by clicking 'Going' on the event, located on our Facebook page. 
You can also click here and it should take you to it. 

That's all for now, but feel free to send any questions you may have my way.

Thanks and Gig 'Em, 
Sergio Ivan Ramirez
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Quick Tennis Club Reminders

Howdy Ags!

I hope everyone is having a good weekend, if you're not, then you should after we BTHO Nicholls State. I just wanted to remind you all of a few things before the game and its festivities:

Sunday, September 10th is the cut off date for early dues. After the 10th, prices will go up from $75 to $85 until September 22nd. Here is the link to pay: 

Saturday September 23rd is our Ranking Tournament. DONT FORGET, deadline to sign up is September 17th so sign up early. You must have paid dues to sign up. Click Here to sign up. 

September 28th is our first profit share at Chik-Fil-A. If that doesn't excite you, email me back and we can talk about your issues. Its at the Chik-Fil-A on Texas from 8-11 pm.

That's all for now Ags! If you have any questions, let me know! 

Thanks and Gig 'Em, 
Sergio Ivan Ramirez

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Monday, September 4, 2017

Boy Howdy

Howdy all and welcome!

To those of you who are new, I would like to welcome you all to the LOUDEST and Proudest Tennis Club in the Nation. I hope you all find the The Club to be as welcoming and as friendly as I have found it to be. As our very own Cameron Byrd expressed at the informational, "This is what high school tennis should have been." For those returning members, I am glad to have you back! 

We have a few things coming up soon so listen up and look carefully!

Starting this week is our first practice of the semester so be sure to show up and get ready for games and drills! Remember practices have changed to Wednesdays and Thursdays, 7-9 pm. We will have our card reader there for those of you who want to pay dues for the year. This year's dues are $75 if paid by September 10th, $80 if paid by September 22nd, and after that, dues will be $85. We take cash, card, credit, and you can pay online through our website, link located below.  

Our ranking tournament will be in two weeks, on Saturday, September 23rd. You can sign up for 2 of the 3 events, singles, doubles, and mixed. Just know that for ranking purposes, mixed will not be weighted as much as doubles or singles. 

The Saturday after, on September 30th, we have a TOC tournament in Arlington so  keep your eyes open for the sign up sheet on Facebook from our Competitive Officers. We also have a tournament the Saturday after that, October 7th so if you cannot make Arlington, do not fret, you'll have a set! (sorry) 

More importantly ladies and gents, I want you guys to have a great semester so if you have any issues or anything, we have a great group of officers here to answer your questions. 

As always, Thanks and Gig 'Em! Let's BTHO Nichols and Fall '17!

Sergio Ivan Ramirez
