Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Lots of Stuff- PLEASE READ

First off, practice is today (6-8pm) and tomorrow (7-9pm) at the intramural courts. We may or may not have shirts for paid members who did not get there shirt last semester. 

Waco Warm Up:

Teams for the Waco warm-up tournament have been posted on the facebook page. Captains: make sure you know everyone who is on your team, contact everyone, make sure everyone has a ride there and back. 

Sectionals is Feb 17-19 in Austin, please remember this is a three day commitment, try to plan ahead with class conflicts. As of now, the earliest starting times will be noon on the 17th, and teams must show up an hour before to checkin. So earliest cars leaving on Friday will be 830ish. We will not know exact time schedules for a couple of weeks.

Dealine to sign-up for sectionals is this Sunday (January 29) at 6pm. This is a day later than what was provided in a previous email and on the facebook page. We will get around to updating the facebook event. 

Challenging for Sectionals:
Deadline to report challenge scores and for the result to affect player rankings for sectionals will be this Sunday at 5pm. Therefore, the last day to initiate a challenge will be tomorrow. Please be sure to email the club when you initiate a challenge. Anyone is welcome to challenge afterwards however the result will not affect the teams for sectionals.

Club Tournament Feb 4-5:
Deadline to sign up for our club/open tournament is also this Sunday at 6pm. Use the sign-up link Cameron posted on the facebook page. Maximum of two events can be played, either singles and one doubles or two doubles. Semi-finals and finals are planned to be played out on Sunday (feb 5th).

I think that's it. Have a good day! 

Jacob Escobedo
Club Secretary

Texas A&M Tennis Club

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