Sunday, January 29, 2017

Sectionals Sign-Up Deadline Today


The deadline to sign-up for Sectionals is today at 6 pm, sign-up is on the facebook page. 

Also, sign up for next weekends' club open is also today at 6 pm. Cameron has a sign-up link on the facebook page. 

Finally, any completed challenge matches or matches that will finish today must report scores by 5 pm to the club email in order for the result to count for sectionals teams. 

Enjoy your Sunday

Jacob Escobedo
Club Secretary

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Lots of Stuff- PLEASE READ

First off, practice is today (6-8pm) and tomorrow (7-9pm) at the intramural courts. We may or may not have shirts for paid members who did not get there shirt last semester. 

Waco Warm Up:

Teams for the Waco warm-up tournament have been posted on the facebook page. Captains: make sure you know everyone who is on your team, contact everyone, make sure everyone has a ride there and back. 

Sectionals is Feb 17-19 in Austin, please remember this is a three day commitment, try to plan ahead with class conflicts. As of now, the earliest starting times will be noon on the 17th, and teams must show up an hour before to checkin. So earliest cars leaving on Friday will be 830ish. We will not know exact time schedules for a couple of weeks.

Dealine to sign-up for sectionals is this Sunday (January 29) at 6pm. This is a day later than what was provided in a previous email and on the facebook page. We will get around to updating the facebook event. 

Challenging for Sectionals:
Deadline to report challenge scores and for the result to affect player rankings for sectionals will be this Sunday at 5pm. Therefore, the last day to initiate a challenge will be tomorrow. Please be sure to email the club when you initiate a challenge. Anyone is welcome to challenge afterwards however the result will not affect the teams for sectionals.

Club Tournament Feb 4-5:
Deadline to sign up for our club/open tournament is also this Sunday at 6pm. Use the sign-up link Cameron posted on the facebook page. Maximum of two events can be played, either singles and one doubles or two doubles. Semi-finals and finals are planned to be played out on Sunday (feb 5th).

I think that's it. Have a good day! 

Jacob Escobedo
Club Secretary

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Waco warm up sign-up closes today


Just a quick reminder that the deadline to sign-up for the Waco Warm Up tournament is today at 6 pm. Sign-up is on the facebook page.

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Practice canceled

Practice canceled for today

Practice Starts Today!!!...hopefully


Welcome to a new semester! Let's hope this one will be better than the last!

Today is the first day of practice, 6-8 pm at the intramural courts. Tomorrow practice is from 7-9. If it is still wet we will let y'all know if practice will be canceled.

Waco warm up tournament is on January 28th. Sign up for Waco warm up tournament is on the facebook page. Remember, if you have yet to play a TOC tournament and want to play at sectionals, you must play at Waco in order to be eligible to play at sectionals. Deadline for Waco signup is this Sunday (Jan 22) at 6 pm.

Sectionals is a three day tournament in Austin on February 17-19. Sign up is also on the facebook page and deadline to sign up is January 28 at 6pm. Please realize that if you sign up you are committing yourself for three days and are prepared to miss class on Friday, February 19.

Also, we are having an open tournament ( similar to ranking tournament in the fall) on February 4-5. Check out Cameron Byrd's post on the facebook page, he has attached a link for sign up. Deadline to sign up is January 29 at 6pm.

Have a great day, stay dry.

Jacob Escobedo
Club Secretary

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Spring Semester Tournaments


Much like the fall, tennis club will hit the ground running. Practices will start the first week of classes on Wednesday and Thursday (Jan 18th an 19th). For the paid members who didn't get their shirt in the fall, we have shirts for y'all to pick up at the first week of practice. Also remember classes start on Tuesday January 17 rather than Monday because the university will be closed to observe MLK day.

There are three tournaments coming up:

January 28 Waco warm up (TOC tournament)
February 4 Club tournament
February 17-19 Sectionals (Austin)

Sectionals is our big tournament of the year, 3 days and two nights in Austin, and lots of tennis. February 4 will be our own tournament which will be a very similar set up to the intraclub tournament in the fall.

Waco warm-up is the last TOC tournament before sectionals. This is important because you must play in one TOC tournament to be eligible to play at sectionals. So if you didn't play in a TOC tournament in the fall but you would like to play at sectionals, you must play at the Waco warm up tournament. Our club tournament on February 4 and the intraclub tournament in September are not TOC tournaments and do not count towards your eligibility for sectionals.

There will be additional details provided for each event as we approach them.

I hope everyone is enjoying their break! Happy New Year!

Jacob Escobedo
Club Secretary