Monday, April 11, 2016

Fwd: 2016-17 New Officer Election

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From: TAMU10S Elections <>
Date: Mon, Apr 11, 2016 at 9:02 AM
Subject: 2016-17 New Officer Election

Voting season is upon us! Here are your Texas A&M Tennis Club candidates for 2016-17! Send your name and one vote per position to You must be a paid tennis club member in order for your vote to count.

PRESIDENT (2 candidates)
Name: Andres Tajonar
Exec Position: President
Howdy Tennis Clubbers!
I´ve had the privilege to serve you as this year´s president. It has definitely been one of the best experiences I´ve had throughout college. I have met and made friends that i will forever remember. I am running again as president because I want to implement new ideas that will make tennis club a group that is close inside and outside of the court. This year has taught me how to run an organization and the responsibility that comes with it. Throughout this year i have learned what members want to do to improve practices. I want to have a different kind of practice that will improve our performance in the tournaments. We will be known as the shirt factory (winning shirts). I want to have a competitive tennis league within club members and also practical drills to improve your game. Another thing that I want to implement this year is working with the community. I worked with a youth group to teach the tennis essentials at CSHS and had a blast. Parents can bring their kids to the courts and help expand tennis in the community. I also want to schedule more matches with the high schools around the area and also play with the adult leagues. Thanks for making this year a memorable one and I hope to finish my college career leaving tennis club at a great place with your vote.
-Andres Tajonar

Name: Hanna Grow-Morales
Exec Position: President
Howdy Tennis Peeps! This past year I have had the pleasure of being your fundraising officer and have enjoyed working alongside our current officers. I want to take my role, in leadership, a step farther in becoming your next president. My personal experience in tennis club has allowed me to bond, socialize, work on improving my tennis skills, give back to my community, and to give back to you guys. We have had a good year so far, and I would like for us to continue with that momentum into the following year. Not only would I like for our club to be more active in tournaments, BIG EVENT, and Reed Arena Clean-Ups, but I would also like for our club to extend our networking to the high school/middle school levels and help show our support for the younger athletes. I strongly believe showing our appreciation and dedication to the community is just as important as building our dedication and commitment within the club. I hope to expand on the structure that we currently have as well as implementing new ideas. We would continue to have our fun competitive game of clean winner, but I would also like to incorporate other competitive activities as well as warm-up sessions before practice. We have set high standards this year, but with your vote for president, I hope to push us beyond expectations and create an even better season for next year!

VICE PRESIDENT (5 candidates)
Name: Luke Oaks
Exec Position: Vice President
Howdy Tennis Club! It's been my pleasure to represent this club competitively and get to better know many fellow members. As a result, I hope to serve on the Tennis Club Exec Team in order to be a part of the conversation on how - and to what extent - we encourage our club to have fun while also positively representing Texas A&M at the state and national level.
If elected to serve as Vice President, I will happily encourage and support fellow officers and club members. Additionally, I would organize match play leagues on Wednesday and/or Thursday nights to encourage match play and friendly competition amongst similarly-skilled club members (which would hopefully result in new friendships as well as an all-around great athletic experience). Further, I hope to harness the raw power of social media to give prospective students (aka Future Tennis Club members) across the nation a greater understanding of what Texas A&M University has to offer and how Big we just so happen to Do It. We are the Aggies; the Aggies are we. We rep the Texas T.O.C.
Thanks & Gig 'Em,

Name: Bill Deaton AKA "Dolla Bill"
Exec Position: Vice President
I feel like I would be a good addition to the Tennis Club exec staff in that I would be able to lead the team quite well. I have always been one to take charge (as captain or not) and enjoy leadership positions. I am also well affiliated with much of the team and would love to meet more people as their vice president! I also am one to always respond quickly and keep people updated with certain information (in this job communicating with USTA and our tennis fam). Plus with as many bandannas as I own and a name like Dolla Bill, how would I not be a good fit for VP of tennis club?
Thanks and Gig'em!

Name: Jose Gonzalez
Exec Position: Vice President
Howdy Tennis Club! I am Jose Gonzalez and would love to have your vote to become your next Vice President! I have been in tennis club for the past two years and have been playing tennis for over eight years and have only grown to love this sport more and more. I think this club is amazing and I really want to play a larger role in it. (Also I am pretty good at feeding for clean winner!) There is nothing that I am more passionate about than good, fun tennis, and I really hope you give me the opportunity to lead this club and all of its exciting members in the upcoming year. I can promise you that I will work hard to create an amazing environment for all so that everyone can have the opportunity to increase their love for this sport. We can Do It (EVEN) Big(ger) in 2016-2017!! Thanks and Gig 'Em!

Name: Fabiana Soto
Exec Position: Vice President
Hello everyone! 
I would like to be your 2016-2017 Vice President. This year in the tennis club, I was able to be part of amazing memories with many of you. Ever since I first came to the tennis club, I had the pleasure of meeting so many people with kind hearts and amazing stories, and we all shared the same passion for the same sport. I would love to represent all of you in what we do in the tennis club. As VP, I will carry out the duties and help out the president and any other officer in fulfilling their responsibilities. I will try to make the club more organized and, at the same time, make the practices more fun. I hope you will allow me to be your voice. Thanks and Gig 'em
- Fabi Soto

Name: Joey Tames
Exec Position Vice President
Howdy! My name is Joey Tames, I'm a junior and the current social officer for the club and I'm running for vice president! There's not much to me except that I love A&M, tennis, puppies, pizza, tacos, basically just food in general, I hate Mondays, oh and I'm kind of a goofball so there's that. I've been super involved with tennis club ever since I was a little bald fish and as a member these past 3 years I've made so many great memories, friends, and have had so much fun through the club. I'm running for VP because I want to help make a bigger impact on the club and have the experience y'all, and all the new members next year, get become even better. I want to make it so that every member has the best experience possible. I can't wait to make more memories and have fun times with all of y'all and serve as the 2016-2017 tennis club VP! Thanks & Gig Em Ags

SECRETARY (1 candidate)
Name: Jacob Escobedo
Exec Position: Secretary
Tennis Club has been good to me, now I want to be good to the tennis club. Vote for Jacob Escobedo for secretary because I will be good to the club. Also Hanna inspired me to run for this position. 
Thanks...and gig'em

TREASURER (1 candidate)
Name: Josef Miller
Exec Position: Treasurer
Howdy y'all,
My name is Josef Miller. I've served on the tennis club as the VP and enjoyed my time. Now I'd like to take my responsibilities up a notch (several notches) and run for tennis club treasurer. As the treasurer I will make sure to continue to serve the club as an officer but also make sure that we can actually play in tournament as the treasurers before me have done so efficiently. I hope to continue to be able to serve you in this position.
Thanks and gig' em


Lisa Ponce '16

Texas A&M Tennis Club Treasurer 2015-16

Official Student Vote Counter

Texas A&M Tennis Club

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