Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Waco Regional Tournament

Howdy A&M Tennis Club!

Sign-ups are now open to join the roster going to the Waco tournament on Saturday, October 3rd! If you're in the mood that Saturday to, I don't know... 'DO IT BIG!!!' then you should sign up and represent our club! Play some matches! Get tomatoes thrown at your team (older members may or may not remember this)! Wonder in amazement at how someone would go to Baylor over A&M!!! Whoop!

Deadline to sign up will be this Sunday, September 27th at 6:00 PM. If you have a Facebook, please sign up here. Only if you do not have a Facebook, please either let me, Jacob Sestak, or Andres Tajonar know that you want to go so we can put you on the tournament roster. Once you sign up, teams will be made later in the week and your captain will contact you will all the information you'll need for that weekend.

On a more serious note, the officers want to make it clear that if you are signed up to go to a tournament and choose to skip, then this counts as an infraction against you. After two infractions, you will not be allowed to go to anymore tournaments for the current year. For those thinking about going to the Waco tournament, it is also the same weekend as our first SEC home game against Ole Miss so be aware of that.

Just a reminder, here's the remaining schedule for the fall:
October 3rd - WACO
October 10th - AUSTIN (ACL weekend)
October 24th - SAN ANTONIO
November 7th - ARLINGTON
November 14th - HOUSTON

And for the spring:
Warm up tournament TBD (hopefully in College Station)
February 12-14 SECTIONALS in Newk's academy in New Braunfels.

Thanks and Gig'em!

Let us know if you have any more questions!

Benjamin Musil
"Mr." Executive Secretary

Texas A&M Tennis Club

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