Monday, December 21, 2015

End of Year News Updates

Hello everyone! We hope everyone's breaks are going well so far, I know I'm done with having 5 finals in 3 days!!

Just a reminder, we will have sectionals on Valentine's Day weekend of next year, it will be a double overnighter so be aware of that if you're planning on staying in team hotel rooms that weekend. To be eligible to sign up, you must have at least one regional tournament attendance on your record. If you have not been to a tournament yet, then your last chance is the warm-up tournament which will be in College Station (how convenient) in January!!!!!

Don't forget about the challenge ladder which has seen several updates throughout the year, way to be active guys! Your place on the ladder decides what team you play in for tournaments, it's not too late to make team 1 ;)

Practices will start back up the week classes start for the Spring of 2016. If you not gotten a Tshirt yet please let us know so that you can pick it up at practice.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Ben "Mr. Secretary" Musil and from the rest of the fam here at A&M Tennis Club

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Jason's Deli Profit Share

Howdy club!

Tomorrow we'll be having another profit share at Jason's Deli from 5:00 to 10:00 PM! Here's the event page! If you go, don't forget to mention that you're with the Texas A&M Tennis Club! Come out and support our awesome club :D

As always let us know if you have any questions!

Benjamin Musil
"Mr." Executive Secretary

Texas A&M Tennis Club

To remove yourself from a list, send an email to with the following command as a single line in the body of your message:


Friday, October 23, 2015

Weekend Updates and Costume Contest

Hey guys, updates and some bad news for those planning on going to the tournament in San Antonio this weekend.

Unfortunately, due to inclement weather the tournament in San Antonio this weekend has been cancelled.

However, after this weekend we will be starting an intraclub Assassin game! For rules and for how to join, check out the Facebook event page!

Next on the agenda... with Halloween coming up, we shall have a costume contest during practice on Thursday, October 29th! In honor of this extraordinary event, here's a joke to get you pumped up:

What do ghosts eat for supper? Spooketti

...I'll see myself out... here's the conclusion:

Lastly, the remaining schedule for the fall semester is:
November 7th - ARLINGTON
November 14th - HOUSTON

And for the spring:
Very likely tournament in College Station!
February 12-14 SECTIONALS in Newk's academy in New Braunfels.

Let us know if you have any more questions!

Benjamin Musil
"Mr." Executive Secretary

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, October 17, 2015

San Antonio Sign-Ups

Howdy club!

Sorry for sending this out later than usual, next weekend (10/24) is another tournament in San Antonio!

Please visit the Facebook event page and click join if you want to attend. Maybes will not be considered. Deadline is Sunday October 18th by 6:00 p.m.

If you don't have Facebook, please email me back that you want to go and are committing to it.

Let's win T-shirts!!

Here's the usual tournament information:

1. Your captain will tell you when and where to meet.
2. If you say you are attending we expect you to be there. Make plans now and don't back out last minute.
3. Tourney is not mandatory so come if you can.

***remember if you plan on attending Sectionals in the spring you must attend at least one regional tournament.***

Lastly, the remaining schedule for the fall semester is:
October 24th - SAN ANTONIO
November 7th - ARLINGTON
November 14th - HOUSTON

And for the spring:
Warm up tournament TBD (hopefully in College Station)
February 12-14 SECTIONALS in Newk's academy in New Braunfels.

Let us know if you have any more questions!

Benjamin Musil
"Mr." Executive Secretary
Texas A&M Tennis Club

To remove yourself from a list, send an email to with the following command as a single line in the body of your message:


Monday, October 12, 2015

Theme Night and Fundraising

Hey guys! Just a reminder that tomorrow, Tuesday, October 13, we are having a profit share at Grub Burger! Here's the event page on Facebook. Also, in light of playing Alabama on Saturday, we're going for Maroon Out at practice this week. The best show of Aggie spirit will earn a prize bag!

Now here's our Executive Treasurer, Lisa!

-Ben "Mr. Secretary" Musil

Howdy Tennis Club! 

Texas A&M Tennis Club is going to be participating in Kyle Field Clean-Ups this fall! Get excited! We are always looking for ways to get our club members involved on and around campus. This clean-up will help support Tennis Club and works as a source of revenue for us to be able to use to do more for club members!

Benefits of going:
  • Bonding with club members and making friends 
  • We can sign off for your volunteer/ community service hours (~5 hours)
  • Raising money for club = more events for club members
  • $10 off your sectionals fee in the Spring (per clean up, up to two discounts per person)
To sign up for the event, you can join the Facebook event here but for this to count, you need to sign up on the Excel sheet HERE. (organization email is The Excel sheet is the more important of the two sign ups, as it is the official sign up through the Environmental Issues Committee.

Make sure you can attend the entire time (estimated duration is 7:30 am to 11:30 or 12:00 noon). 


Lisa Ponce '16|Senior Allied Health Major

Texas A&M University


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Monday, October 5, 2015

Austin Tourney Team List

Howdy guys!

Just sending out the team rosters for the Austin tournament this weekend.

Hope you all have a great week and don't have five exams like I do!!

Benjamin Musil
"Mr." Executive Secretary

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Friday, October 2, 2015

Austin Regional Tournament Sign-Ups

Howdy guys! Quick note for the Austin regional tournament next weekend (10/10):

This is our next tournament after Waco this weekend (10/3). Please visit the Facebook event page and click join if you want to attend. Maybes will not be considered. Deadline is Sunday October 4th by 6:00 p.m.

If you don't have Facebook, please email me back that you want to go and are committing to it. Just an FYI, it will be ACL next weekend so it will be a very busy downtown for the whole weekend.

Let's win T-shirts!!

Here's the usual tournament information:

1. Your captain will tell you when and where to meet.
2. If you say you are attending we expect you to be there. Make plans now and don't back out last minute.
3. Tourney is not mandatory so come if you can.

***remember if you plan on attending Sectionals in the spring you must attend at least one regional tournament.***

One more small thing: our next theme night will more than likely be centered around Halloween (so spooky). We have not decided an official theme or date for it however. So I'll be sure to send a notification out.

Lastly, the remaining schedule for the fall semester is:
October 3rd - WACO
October 10th - AUSTIN
October 24th - SAN ANTONIO
November 7th - ARLINGTON
November 14th - HOUSTON

And for the spring:
Warm up tournament TBD (hopefully in College Station)
February 12-14 SECTIONALS in Newk's academy in New Braunfels.

Let us know if you have any more questions!

Benjamin Musil
"Mr." Executive Secretary

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Monday, September 28, 2015

Chick-Fil-A Fundraiser, Waco Teams, and Job Offers

Hello again fellow tennis enthusiasts (wow it's almost like we should have a club)!!  Just a few things to update y'all on!

First off, just a reminder that Tuesday evening (9/29) is our first profit share at the Chick-Fil-A off of Texas Ave from 5-8:00 PM. Here's a note from our fundraiser extraordinaire, Hanna (call her Banana) Grow-Morales:

"Remember the more money we raise for club the more socials, prizes, balls, and other things you guys can think of we can have! Profit shares are directly based on all those who we bring in, so please come and eat and get to know some really cool people! Don't forget to mention to the cashier that YOU'RE WITH TEXAS A&M TENNIS CLUB!! :)"

Second piece of news, the teams for the upcoming tournament in Waco have been made and I've attached the list to this email. However, there is a bit of a lack of girls. So ladies, if you would like to join last minute for the tournament please let me or Jacob Sestak, our competition officer, know that you want to join!

Finally, I was told to spread the offer of being paid to play/teach tennis. Brandon Carlson is a Community Director at Hullabaloo and is in charge of tennis for the city of College Station, email Aakash Pai for more details.

Let us know if you have any more questions! The tournament in Austin is the weekend after the Waco tournament so as usual, look out for a chance to sign up this weekend! Have a great week guys!

Benjamin Musil
"Mr." Executive Secretary

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Waco Regional Tournament

Howdy A&M Tennis Club!

Sign-ups are now open to join the roster going to the Waco tournament on Saturday, October 3rd! If you're in the mood that Saturday to, I don't know... 'DO IT BIG!!!' then you should sign up and represent our club! Play some matches! Get tomatoes thrown at your team (older members may or may not remember this)! Wonder in amazement at how someone would go to Baylor over A&M!!! Whoop!

Deadline to sign up will be this Sunday, September 27th at 6:00 PM. If you have a Facebook, please sign up here. Only if you do not have a Facebook, please either let me, Jacob Sestak, or Andres Tajonar know that you want to go so we can put you on the tournament roster. Once you sign up, teams will be made later in the week and your captain will contact you will all the information you'll need for that weekend.

On a more serious note, the officers want to make it clear that if you are signed up to go to a tournament and choose to skip, then this counts as an infraction against you. After two infractions, you will not be allowed to go to anymore tournaments for the current year. For those thinking about going to the Waco tournament, it is also the same weekend as our first SEC home game against Ole Miss so be aware of that.

Just a reminder, here's the remaining schedule for the fall:
October 3rd - WACO
October 10th - AUSTIN (ACL weekend)
October 24th - SAN ANTONIO
November 7th - ARLINGTON
November 14th - HOUSTON

And for the spring:
Warm up tournament TBD (hopefully in College Station)
February 12-14 SECTIONALS in Newk's academy in New Braunfels.

Thanks and Gig'em!

Let us know if you have any more questions!

Benjamin Musil
"Mr." Executive Secretary

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Practice Theme Nights

Hello and Howdy Tennis Clubbers!!!

Every two weeks, our practices will have theme nights (both Wednesday and Thursday). This week's theme is America, or 'merica!, for our patriotic brethren! The best dressed (no not that tuxedo t-shirt we all have in our closets, I'm talking theme-related here) guy and girl from each practice night will both receive prizes at the end of practice and have their picture taken for our club page! Prizes will change from theme to theme, this week will be free candy (I promise to only make you share with me a little)!

On a side note, good luck to all our teams going to SMU this weekend! DO IT BIG!!!

Benjamin Musil
"Mr." Executive Secretary

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, September 12, 2015


Important update:

All players with matches that start before 10AM must meet at the A&M CONSOLIDATED HIGH SCHOOL COURTS! We apologize for the inconvenience but please spread the word and let everyone know. Matches scheduled after 10AM should meet at the BRYAN HIGH SCHOOL COURTS. With that being said, please show courtesy and respect to all the officers as we are all doing our best to make this tournament run smoothly. We want everyone to have a great time tomorrow. Do It Big!


-Ben, Exec Secretary

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Re: Intraclub Tournament Info (9/13)

Just in case you can't open on a non-mac computer, here's a .pdf version of the draw.


On Sat, Sep 12, 2015 at 12:26 PM, Texas A&M Tennis Club <> wrote:
Howdy Tennis Clubbers!!

The draws for this weekend's intraclub tourney are good to go and are attached to this email and on the Facebook page. Please check the time of your first match and remember to be at the intramural courts 15-20 min before your match. Make sure that you bring lots of water because it's going to be hot! Each match will be an 8-game pro set with NO-AD. If you do not find your name or there is a mistake please let me know ASAP. FYI, if you look at the file on your phone it looks weird. Non-members have to pay $10 bucks. Hope everyone is ready to Do It Big on Sunday!

Benjamin Musil
"Mr." Executive Secretary

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Intraclub Tournament Info (9/13)

Howdy Tennis Clubbers!!

The draws for this weekend's intraclub tourney are good to go and are attached to this email and on the Facebook page. Please check the time of your first match and remember to be at the intramural courts 15-20 min before your match. Make sure that you bring lots of water because it's going to be hot! Each match will be an 8-game pro set with NO-AD. If you do not find your name or there is a mistake please let me know ASAP. FYI, if you look at the file on your phone it looks weird. Non-members have to pay $10 bucks. Hope everyone is ready to Do It Big on Sunday!

Benjamin Musil
"Mr." Executive Secretary

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Monday, September 7, 2015

Start of the Season Announcements

Howdy Tennis Club!

Thank you for showing interest in the greatest tennis club in the nation (YOU GOT THAT RIGHT)!  We have a very wide variety of players that come out for club, from ex-varsity college players to people who just played a little in high school.  We have a policy of not turning down anyone.  Club is for everyone and you can be as serious about your tennis as you want to be in our club.

Our informational will be held in MSC 2404 on Tuesday, September 8th, at 8:30pm. We'll have home-baked cookies!!!

The first official practice will be on September 9th, we have official practices twice a week (Wednesday and Thursday nights from 7-9:30 PM). You are more than welcome to just come whenever (in other words, coming for the whole 2 1/2 hours is not required and the practices themselves are not mandatory). During those practices, we feed our favorite game, 'clean winner,' but you are welcome to grab some balls and pick up a match or hit with some other members.

We also organize pool play, in and out of town tournaments, challenge matches, and dual matches versus other school's club teams.

Dues are $58/year before this Friday, September 11. After Friday, they will be $68. This money helps the club pay for balls, shirts, social events, REC court fees, tournament entry fees, housing, and travel costs for inter-club tournaments around the state and nationals. Club members also receive up to 10% off Tennis Warehouse purchases. You can pay dues at practice or through our marketplace website which will be sent in a follow-up email.

Just a reminder that we are having our intraclub tournament this Sunday, September 13th at the intramural courts. You can sign up here:…

If you would like to officially join the club team, simply show up at one of our practices, and we'll get you all set up.  Our main form of communication is through our listserv. If you would like to be added, let us know (getting this email means you're already on it! Whoop!!!). Check out our Facebook group and our website for more info. I'd strongly recommend Facebook, especially because that's where the sign-ups for our tournaments are and tons of other info/announcements. Check out our awesome Youtube video too!

Lastly, the schedule for the fall semester is:
September 19th - SMU
October 3rd - WACO
October 10th - AUSTIN (ACL weekend)
October 24th - SAN ANTONIO
November 7th - ARLINGTON
November 14th - HOUSTON

And for the spring:
Warm up tournament TBD (hopefully in College Station)
February 12-14 SECTIONALS in Newk's academy in New Braunfels.

I hope everyone is pumped for this new year and remember to ALWAYS Do It Big. Thanks and Gig'em!

Let us know if you have any more questions!

Benjamin Musil
"Mr." Executive Secretary

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Voting For Officer Elections

Howdy Tennis Club!
It is time to vote for the new executive officers that will lead our club next year! To vote, please email with your name and the name of the candidate you are voting for in each position. Please read the candidates paragraphs below and vote for who you think will make the best choice! You have until next Thursday April 23 at 7PM to send in your votes.

Here are the candidates for President:

Ryan Sebesta
Howdy Ags! My name is Ryan Sebesta, and I am a junior Agricultural Economics major from Angleton, Texas, but most importantly, I am the loudest and proudest member of the Fightin' Texas Aggie Class of 2016! A-A-A-Whoop! I am running for President of Tennis Club. There are only a handful of things I can say I am passionate about, and on that short list are Texas A&M and tennis, which means Texas A&M Tennis Club is the perfect place for me! I love tennis and club with all my heart, and I want to see it go above and beyond to be even more successful than it is now, which is why I'm running for president. I want to make club the best experience for every member, whether it's a goofy mixer or themes for practice or adding more tennis events in the spring. I have different ideas to try and maximize club's potential, and I am ecstatic to see what we can do next year. I hope I have your vote. Thanks and gig'em!

Andres Tajonar
Howdy Tennis clubbers!! I have had the privilege to serve you as the Vice-President of the 2014-2015 year. I have been extremely involved with tennis club since I was a little baby fish years ago! I have met so many people of different levels & styles of play, and know how to make it fun for everyone. This past year has definitely been one of the most memorable ones with tennis club, from getting a free dinner date with Ben in the white elephant game to getting nosebleeds in the middle of matches during sectionals and also learning how to spread mulch properly from Preston during Big Event. My goal is to implement new ideas to make tennis club even more fun for previous and upcoming members as well as maintaining that friendly/family atmosphere. I look forward to making more incredible memories together and serving you as the 2015-2016 tennis club president!

Here are the candidates for Vice-President:

Hanna Grow-Morales
Joining tennis club this year made my freshmen transaction a lot easier. I've made a lot of new friends and have amazing tournament memories to look back on. As Vice President, I hope to provide this same amazing experience to incoming members and to add on to those of older members. I would like to help take responsibility in continuing the inspiration that tennis club provides for a majority of us. Tennis is a passion of mine, as I may not be the best player, I have a heart like no other. I want to help continue to make tennis club a fun/competitive environment for those joining and re-joining. If elected, I will gladly put in the time, effort, and dedication to making the club an even more successful program. I would love the opportunity to work alongside our president and other officers to better the club for all.  
Josef Miller
I've been in tennis club ever since I've attended A&M and I've always appreciated the dedication of all the players and their willingness to include whoever wants to play tennis. I've been searching for avenues to serve A&M so being the vice-president of the club that has blessed me with many friends would be great. I promise to be the best vice-president I can be and continue to make all new coming tennis players feel welcome and find a place in our tennis club as I did. I think it be great to work with all the other officers and learn a bit more about being a leader. I think our club is awesome so there really isn't anything I can say about changes, i would just like to participate in keeping our tennis club great.

For the two other executive positions (Secretary and Treasurer) we only had one candidate for run each deeming voting unnecessary. 
Please send in your votes by next Thursday and we will get the results out as soon as possible! 
Thank you :)
Kaitlyn Sestak '16
President 2014-2015
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Officer Elections 2015-2016!

Howdy Tennis Club!

It's that time again to elect the officers that will be leading club for next year!!  Here's how it breaks down:

There are 4 executive officers elected by club members via email: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary
There are 5 non executive officers appointed by the executive officers: Competition, Fundraising, Social, Historian, Recruitment

Officer duties can be seen here:

Being an officer is a rewarding experience that will further yourself and the club that you love so much.  It is a lot of fun, but please be prepared to follow through with the duties that you are assigned in the officer duties link above.  If y'all have any additional questions about the officer positions and what they do, please contact a current officer and ask.

To include your name on the ballot for the executive officer elections or include your name on the list of potential non exec officer appointees, reply to TAMU10SELECTION@GMAIL.COM by TUESDAY APRIL 14th at 7PM with the following information:

PARAGRAPH PERSUADING MEMBERS WHY THEY SHOULD ELECT YOU AS AN EXECUTIVE OFFICER: (Only if you are running for an executive officer position)

If you are running for an executive officer position, include a non executive officer position as well so that if you are not elected, you can still be appointed.  If you only wish to run for a non executive officer position, just don't put anything down for executive officer position.

Please remember to reply to TAMU10SELECTION@GMAIL.COM by TUESDAY APRIL 14th at 7PM.  That's a little under a week from now!!!  After that, the actual elections will begin.

I hope a lot of y'all are excited to be officers in the upcoming elections, and good luck to all of you who run. 
Kaitlyn Sestak '16
President 2014-2015
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Spring Semester of Tennis Club!

Howdy Everyone!
Our first practices of the semester begin next week on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 8-10:30 at the intramural courts. You may still purchase apparel if you are interested in any frockets, dry fits, or hoodies as well. The Waco Warm up tournament is coming up on February 7th so sign up for that by February 1st through facebook if you would like to attend! Also Sectionals will be held in San Antonio this year from February 27th to March 1st so be on the lookout for information regarding that tournament. Attached below is an opportunity to apply for a counselor position for a tennis summer camp that is hosted at A&M. Please notify Josh if you would like to apply, and his contact information can be found below too. I Can't wait to see all of you on the courts and have a great semester on everything else you are involved in!

Kaitlyn Sestak '16
President 2014-2015

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Joshua Sebesta <>
Date: Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 5:08 PM
Subject: Texas A&M Tennis Camp Counselors
To: "" <>



Each Summer we put on 3 weeks of Tennis Camp hosted here on Campus at Texas A&M. For this upcoming 2015 Summer we are looking to hire qualified counselors who would like to work as an Instructor at one of the largest University run camps in the country!


Here are some details about the camp:


Our 2015 dates are June 7-12; July 12-17; July 19-24.


The camps run Sunday through Friday, with food and board provided at The Cambridge dorm. Counselors will be given 6 campers ranging from ages 8-18 to work with for that week. Each day is broken down into a morning court session, an afternoon court session, and a night time activity. Each morning session, Instructors will be feeding balls to their kids and stressing the importance of technique and fundamentals. In the afternoon sessions, Instructors will organize match play amongst their group and elaborate on match strategy and competitiveness. The night time activity will differ each night. Mondays are Dodgeball night. Tuesdays are Karaoke. Wednesday is a doubles tournament. Thursday is our Camp Dance. Instructors are expected to be actively involved and enthusiastic in all night activities.


All in all, it's a wonderful job opportunity for college kids looking to make some money during the Summers, while also allowing them the chance to work with children and express their love and knowledge for the sport.


More information can be found at


If you could, please pass along this opportunity to your Club members and just have them shoot me an email if they have any further questions. Or, if they are interested, please have them send me an email with their qualifications.


Thank you for your time,




Joshua Sebesta | Camp Coordinator

Women's Tennis | Texas A&M Athletics

P.O. Box 30017 | College Station, TX 77842-3017

Office: 979-862-1226 |





Texas A&M Tennis Club