Tuesday, September 24, 2013


A big huge AWESOME Thanks & Gig 'Em goes out to all of those who participated in the intraclub tourney this past Sunday! We were really impressed by the talent that came out. Also another congrats goes out to the winners! :D

Speaking of the intraclub tourney the challenge ladder will be posted by this Thursday at the very latest. 

Our first tournament is coming up October 5th and guess what?! It's on our home turf right here in College Station. LADIES we NEED you for this tourney! The more girls thats play the better and the more teams we can enter, so let your sisters cousins classmates random girl in Evans know that we need them to play! (As long as they are a student here at Texas A&M.)

In order to sign up for the tourney you must click accept on the Facebook event which can be found at  https://www.facebook.com/events/557211417666182/ 

And the answer to last weeks joke: "You're looking a little pale" bu dum chhhh

How does Hitler tie his shoes?

Texas A&M Tennis Club

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