Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters!!


Wednesday night practice from 8-11! The theme for Wednesday's practice is Costume Night! Wear your crazy, wacky, goofy costumes!

Dues can be paid at any time online with credit card here: https://secure.touchnet.com/C21490_ustores/web/product_detail.jsp?PRODUCTID=2136
. If you paid online, bring your receipt to practice and show to get member shirt. You can also pay by cash or check to an officer on Wednesday at practice as well. Make sure you come out get signed up to the greatest club Texas A&M has to offer!

Challenge Ladder is here! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmcA-BwQTgNJdDhzVGloTXl4bmNINjl0NWtmRUdxeEE . Here are the list of rules if you are new to our challenge system: https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1qQUrH-uMO16V9r5p29nzWMuXUC004nvFb3apDJzX9Ik. Make sure to EMAIL THE CLUB EMAIL if you challenged someone, letting us know who you challenged. If issues arise, we will check the club email to make sure an email was sent. If you have any questions about the challenge ladder, or if your name is not on it, or if you paid dues but says you did not, then email the club email. Also if you are not in the top 8 teams you can still play but need to CHALLENGE a person on team 8.

Do you miss going door to door for Halloween when you were younger? Well now you can with Tennis Club! This Wednesday during practice time tennis club will be dressing up in costumes and going around the area trick or treating to ask for canned goods so that we can donate them. This is an excellent opportunity to help those in need as we come up on holiday season. 

In the spirit of halloween I wanted to include a couple videos to get you in the spirit of things. Enjoy!

Here are a few upcoming events:

Trick or Treat: 10/31 Canned food drive so kids can eat 
Sign up: http://www.facebook.com/events/484429884911112/

Make sure to join the Texas A&M Tennis Facebook group as we do a lot of event communication through it!! 

Also, we are live on Twitter! Make sure to follow us and keep up to date with events, tournament draws, sign-up for tourneys, and other important info!
Here's the link to follow us: https://twitter.com/TAMU10S

Remember ALWAYS hit the tweener! 
Michael Martin
Secretary, Texas A&M Tennis Club '12-'13

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