Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Another Year In The Books

Howdy y'all!!
If you weren't there, tonight was our last practice of the year and y'all will all be excited for the promo video that will be coming out this fall.  I happen to make one guest appearance that I think y'all will like. 
Anywho, that's that for this year of Texas A&M Tennis Club.  We DID IT BIG as always.  We won Texas Sectionals by beating Texas Tech in the final.  Think about it, that means were the best club in the state!  And we have now won 8 of the 9 Texas Sectionals tournaments that have been played.  We made yet another showing at the National Campus Championships, and had a strong performance.  We were unable to bring home a national championship, but it's nothing to hold our heads down about.  We had a lot of success in the Regional tournaments as well.  We are the best club in Texas, but we also have the most talent all the way from Team 1 to Team 8.  We won all but one draw at the College Station Regional, the Houston Regional, and even Sectionals.  A&M definitely took home more Championship shirts than any other club. 
As for me, I've been proud to serve as your club president for this past year.  It's been a lot of hard work, but I feel as though I DID IT BIG too and made a positive impact on the club as we go into the future.  I've enjoyed getting to know all of you over the past four years because y'all are what makes tennis club as fun as it is.  I always looked forward to Wednesday nights and Sunday afternoons when I could go hang out with y'all and play the best sport in the world.
As we move forward, I know the club will be well taken care of with Brent Hametner serving as your president for this fall.  I have known Brent since middle school (and actually played doubles with him since then as well) and I'm positive that he is more than capable of handling the position.  Matt Hillestad, Sarah Theriault, and Michael Martin are also more than qualified to serve as your exceutive officers for the coming year. 
Well, that's about it.  I've had a ton of fun over the last four years, and I don't think I would've done it any other way.  Even though I'm graduating, I don't think you've seen the last of me because I've found out that there are alumni tournaments I can sign up for, so you might see me around this fall. 
Best of luck on the rest of y'alls finals this semester, and I hope y'all come out this fall when club starts up again!!
Thanks and gig 'em Texas A&M Tennis Club!!
Patrick Haines
President '11-'12

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Promo Video / Last Practice Tomorrow

Howdy everyone!

I hope everyone is having a great dead week so far and is prepping hard for your final exams. Tomorrow will be our last practice at the normal time and place except one thing is different. Bring out your inner Denzel Washington/Angelina Jolie because we will be shooting our annual PROMO video for next year!!!!!!!! We need everybody we can get to come out and be apart of the video that hundreds of people will see! 

Also, with this email, I have a bit of bad news and a bit of good news. Generally people prefer the bad news first so here it is:

Bad News

This will be my last email I write to you as secretary for this year. It has been an incredible year, and I have enjoyed relaying all the exciting information from tennis club to you. I hope the emails have been bearable and at least slightly interesting. 

Good News

I am ecstatic about serving as your president for next year, and I can already tell that it will be an amazing year of tennis club. Although I will be serving for only the fall semester, I will do everything I can to help the club continue to grow and find ways to make this already great club even better. 

That's all for now. Make sure to come out to shoot the PROMO VIDEO tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And remember...always hit the tweener.

-Brent Hametner 

Texas A&M Tennis Club