Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Christmas-Colors Night at Practice


Hope everyone had a fun and relaxing Thanksgiving break and got to eat tons o' turkey. I was fortunate enough to partake in two Thanksgiving feasts, and my stomach is currently reminding me this may not have been such a great idea. I cannot recall a time this year where I have eaten as many desserts as I did during this break. Anyway, here is some tennis club news:

Christmas-Colors Night at Practice Tomorrow

-Now that Thanksgiving is over and tomorrow's practice is the last one of the semester, we are having Christmas-Colors Night to celebrate. Make sure to come to practice in red and green, and get creative with it! You can also wear Santa hats, yellow tights (like Buddy the Elf), or your favorite Christmas sweater! 


-All the apparel is in except for the hats! Make sure to come to practice tomorrow and pick it up!

That's all for now. Come out to practice tomorrow in Christmas colors! 

And remember...always hit the tweener.


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

No Practice Tomorrow


I hope all is well with your classes. Here is a bit o' news:

-No Practice Tomorrow or Sunday (11/27)  because of Thanksgiving break

-There will only be one more practice this semester on Wednesday 11/30!

That's all for now. I hope you all have a safe and relaxing Thanksgiving break. Eat tons o' turkey and let's BTHO T.U.! 

And remember...always hit the tweener.


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, November 20, 2011



Hope your weekend is going well. Here is some news:

-Practice Today at 4pm

-Apparel is in! 
  • All the apparel except for hats has come in, so make sure to come to practice and pick it up!
That's all for now. Come pick up your apparel!

And remember...always hit the tweener.


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Concert Night


Thanks to everyone who came to the Houston Regional. This was the last tournament for the fall semester, and everyone did it extremely BIG. Here's some tennis club news:

Concert Night at Practice Tomorrow
  • Everyone come out to practice tomorrow decked out in all the bands you have. This includes head bands & wrist bands and any other band that you can think of! 
  • The vamos shirts, hoodies, mens uniform shirts, and long sleeve shirts are in. They will be at practice tomorrow!
  • The rest of the apparel will be coming in soon!
 That's all for now. Remember to wear your bands!

And remember...always hit the tweener.


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, November 13, 2011

No Practice Sunday

Howdy y'all,

Thank you to everyone that came out to the Houston Regional on Saturday.  Everyone did it sooooooooo big on Saturday, that we're all out of big for the rest of the weekend.  Because of this lack of big, there will be no practice on Sunday (today). 

Also, thank you to those that came out to the Reed Clean Up on Wednesday.  We appreciate everyone who came to help out during this semester. 

Today was the last tournament for this fall, so now your weekends will be free so you can make all the time in the world to come to practices that will still be on Wednesdays and Sundays.  There will be more tournaments in the spring, so stay tuned to emails in January/February about the spring tournaments (including Sectionals).

I guess I can write this too.....

And remember, always hit the tweener

-Patrick Haines

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Bret Michaels Night

Howdy Y'all!

As the second round of exams are coming up, I want to wish y'all good luck. Here's some tennis club news:

Bret Michaels Night at Practice Tomorrow
  • Everyone sport your coolest bandana at practice tomorrow night!
Reed Clean-Up
Houston Regional - Saturday November 12
That's it for now. Everyone wear bandanas tomorrow!

And remember...always hit the tweener.


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Practice Tomorrow


I hope y'all had a great week. Here are some upcoming events:

-Practice Tomorrow at 4pm

-Reed Clean-Up Tomorrow at 6pm
-Reed Clean-Up November 9 at 10pm
**These are the last two Reed Arena Clean Up opportunities left scheduled. If you attend 2 or more Reed Clean-Ups, your sectionals fee will be waived**

-Houston Regional Tournament
  • The Vamos shirts and hoodies are in so come pick them up! The other clothes will be in soon!

That's all for now. Make sure to come to our last 2 Reed Arena Clean Ups! 

And remember...always hit the tweener.

~Brent Hametner

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

'Murrica Night / Reed-Clean Ups


Hope y'all had a fun and frightful Halloween weekend. Here are some upcoming events:

'Murrica Night @ Practice Tomorrow 
  • Come out to practice dressed in Red, White, and Blue!
Reed Arena Clean-Up Opportunities

Houston Regional Tournament

That's all for now. Make sure to come to our last 2 Reed Arena Clean Ups! 

And remember...always hit the tweener.

~Brent Hametner

Texas A&M Tennis Club