Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Shirts 2 for $5!!

Howdy Ags!!
Practice tomorrow at the usual time at the intramural courts. 

If you want to grab some tennis club gear, we have shirts that will be on sale 2 FOR $5!!!!!!!   That's about as cheap as a non-giveaway shirt is going to get, so make sure to get as many of them as you possibly can.  Maybe you can turn them into a gift, hang them on your wall, use them as a towel, turn them into a pillowcase.....doesn't matter, just make sure to get the 2 for 5$ shirts at practice.

Also, if you are wishing to challenge somebody but don't want to be the Facebook creeper sending a message to someone you aren't friends with, y'all can go to the tennis club website and click on the link for 'Official Membership List 2010-2011' and find anyone's phone number and email address as a form of communication to a challengee.  The website is here: https://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=0AmcA-BwQTgNJdHU4LU9HU3NFSDh2RHBXMUpaX09kc0E&hl=en&output=html
Now that the spring semester is here, that means the Waco regional and the Sectionals tournaments are coming up.  The sign ups for these tournaments will be different than last semester because we will be strictly following the challenge ladder posted on the website.  Here's some important sites for your viewing pleasure.
Website:  http://tennisclub.tamu.edu/  
Challenge Ladder:  https://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=0AmcA-BwQTgNJdFpZVzV3ejB6MEo2LVM2UUQ5ZVZGY1E&hl=en&output=html   
Challenge Ladder Rules:  https://docs.google.com/View?id=d33jckr_25dqgp9cc7&pli=1
We will only be able to take 8 teams to each tournament, so if you are not satisfied with the team that you are on, be sure to use the challenge system to advance teams.  Please read the challenge rules posted on the website to make sure you know all deadlines and rules for challenges.  For the Waco tournament, the deadline to verbally challenge is Feb. 2nd and the deadline to report a challenge is Feb 5th.  For sectionals, the deadline to verbally challenge is Friday, February 11th and the deadline to report a challenge score is Wednesday, February 16th. 

The Waco Regional Tournament is on Saturday, February 12th.  Team captains will be contacting you soon, so check the calendar and make sure you can play on that day.

Sectionals will be Friday, Feb. 25th through Sunday, Feb. 27th in Austin, TX.  Team captains will also be contacting you for this tournament, so check the calendar again.  If you are attending sectionals, you will have to miss class ALL DAY on Friday the 25th.  If you are planning to attend sectionals, please begin talking to your professors NOW so that you may arrange to miss class on that day.  If needed, we can get the faculty adviser to write a letter to the professor (not a university excused absence) in order to let them know whats going on.  Remember, those that did not attend two Reed Arena clean ups will be paying a $20 dollar sectionals fee before going on the trip.  We will be reserving hotel rooms and paying tournament entries. 

Finally, there are still several people who have not picked up tennis club apparel ordered a long time ago.  If you have ordered anything, please come and pick it up at practice Wednesday.
Thanks and gig 'em!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

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