Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sectionals This Weekend!!

Howdy Ags!!

Sectionals is this weekend!!!!!  Practice is tomorrow from 8-11 at the intramural courts, so get your final tune up for sectionals with some clean winner.  The 2 for $5 dollar shirt deal is still going on, but the only sizes that we have left are extra large.  So you can use it for a blanket, a night gown.....perhaps a tall tee.
Your captains will be getting in contact with you soon as to start times on Friday and when/where/how you'll be carpooling there.  If there is any reason you are no longer able to attend sectionals, let your team captain know IMMEDIATELY so we can make changes accordingly.  We will be staying in the Hyatt Summerfield Suites Austin/Arboretum and playing at the University of Texas Intramural Courts.  This link is a map from the intramural courts to the hotel we are staying at:  http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=4612+Avenue+D%2C+Austin%2C+Texas+78751+%28UT+Intramural+Fields%29&daddr=Hyatt+Summerfield+Suites%2C+Austin%2C+TX&hl=en&geocode=FYaUzgEducYs-iEeUBv-iKRFcw%3BFd62zwEd3qYs-iHmmX0B5skmWw&mra=pd&sll=30.314098%2C-97.729869&sspn=0.020598%2C0.038581&ie=UTF8&z=13.  In case you want the straight up addresses, it's:
UT Intramural Fields
4612 Avenue D
Austin, Texas 78751
Hyatt Summerfield Suites Austin/Arboretum
10001 N. Capital of Texas Highway
Austin, TX 78759

Here's the ladder for the Sectionals tournament:
There are still ALOT of people who have not turned in money for Sectionals, so if your name is NOT highlighted in green, you owe $20 to attend sectionals.  You can either give your money to your team captain any time or an officer at practice, and the money will be due before sectionals.  If you haven't already talked to your professors, now would also be the time to let your professors know that you will be missing class on that Friday the 25th.  If needed, we can get the faculty adviser to write a letter to the professor (not a university excused absence) in order to let them know whats going on.
The last date to sign up for Big Event is THIS FRIDAY!!!  There are already over 25 people signed up, so join everyone else and Do It Big in the community.  Follow this link to go directly to the Texas A&M Tennis Club sign up page: http://bigeventonline.tamu.edu/signup/index/joingroup/code/878C7-00093.  From here, log in and input your information into the prompt boxes.  You can also join the Tennis Club big event group by going to http://bigeventonline.tamu.edu/ and logging in under student participant.  Then type in this access code into the "Join a Group" box: 878C7-00093.  The group "Texas A&M Tennis Club" should appear, and then join the group.   
IT'S TIME!!! Let's DO IT BIG at Sectionals!!!
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Practice Tomorrow/Sectionals Stuff

Howdy Ags!!

Practice is tomorrow from 4-7 at the intramural courts, so come out and start getting ready for sectionals next weekend.  Your captains will be getting in contact with you this week as to start times on Friday and when/where/how you'll be getting there.  Other logistical information will be included in the next email (hotels, etc.).  Also, come and get some 2 for $5 shirts!!
Okay, here is the ladder for the Sectionals tournament:
If your name is NOT highlighted in green, you owe $20 to attend sectionals.  You can either give your money to your team captain any time or an officer at practice, and the money will be due before sectionals.  If you are no longer able to go to sectionals, let your captain know ASAP so that we can make changes accordingly.  Now would also be the time to let your professors know that you will be missing class on that Friday the 25th.  If needed, we can get the faculty adviser to write a letter to the professor (not a university excused absence) in order to let them know whats going on.
Tennis club is participating in Big Event on March 26th!!  A lot of people are already signed up, so y'all should all join so that we can DO IT BIG and take care of the BCS community.  Follow this link to go directly to the Texas A&M Tennis Club sign up page: http://bigeventonline.tamu.edu/signup/index/joingroup/code/878C7-00093.  From here, log in and input your information into the prompt boxes.  You can also join the Tennis Club big event group by going to http://bigeventonline.tamu.edu/ and logging in under student participant.  Then type in this access code into the "Join a Group" box: 878C7-00093.  The group "Texas A&M Tennis Club" should appear, and then join the group.  
Thanks and gig 'em!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

We Actually Have Practice!!!!

Howdy Ags!!

So practice is still scheduled for tomorrow and we might actually be able to play because the weather is supposed to be clear and in the 60's (about three times what it's been the last two weeks).  That means y'all can finally come play some clean winner, remember what the intramural courts look like, and take advantage of the 2 for $5 shirts deal!! 
Okay, here is the ladder for the Sectionals tournament:
If your name is NOT highlighted in green, you owe $20 to attend sectionals.  You can either give your money to your team captain or an officer at practice, and the money will be due before sectionals.  If you are no longer able to go to sectionals, let your captain know ASAP so that we can make changes accordingly.  Now would also be the time to let your professors know that you will be missing class on that Friday the 25th.  If needed, we can get the faculty adviser to write a letter to the professor (not a university excused absence) in order to let them know whats going on.
Tennis club is participating in Big Event on March 26th!!  A lot of people are already signed up, so y'all should all join so that we can DO IT BIG and take care of the BCS community.  Follow this link to go directly to the Texas A&M Tennis Club sign up page: http://bigeventonline.tamu.edu/signup/index/joingroup/code/878C7-00093.  From here, log in and input your information into the prompt boxes.  You can also join the Tennis Club big event group by going to http://bigeventonline.tamu.edu/ and logging in under student participant.  Then type in this access code into the "Join a Group" box: 878C7-00093.  The group "Texas A&M Tennis Club" should appear, and then join the group.  
Thanks and gig 'em!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, February 12, 2011

No Practice Tomorrow/Did It Big

Howdy Ags!!

Thanks to everyone for Doin' It Big at the tournament today and dominating against the rest of Texas.  There won't be any practice tomorrow because of how much tennis we played today, but the tennis courts will still be open at 4 for anyone that still wants to play.

Also, tennis club is participating in Big Event on March 26th.  For those that aren't aware of what Big Event is, it is a student run community service project in the Bryan/College Station area that over 10,000 students participate in annually.  The sign up process is different this year because it is all done online.  Follow this link to go directly to the Texas A&M Tennis Club sign up page: http://bigeventonline.tamu.edu/signup/index/joingroup/code/878C7-00093.  From here, log in and input your information into the prompt boxes.  You can also join the Tennis Club big event group by going to http://bigeventonline.tamu.edu/ and logging in under student participant.  Then type in this access code into the "Join a Group" box: 878C7-00093.  The group "Texas A&M Tennis Club" should appear, and then join the group.  
Now that were getting close to Sectionals, this information that you've seen the entire semester is now actually relevant in the near future.  If you continue to read any further in this email, you will earn ten awesome points from me.

Sectionals will be Friday, Feb. 25th through Sunday, Feb. 27th in Austin, TX.  Team captains will also be contacting you for this tournament, so check the calendar again.  If you are attending sectionals, you will have to miss class ALL DAY on Friday the 25th.  If you are planning to attend sectionals, please begin talking to your professors NOW so that you may arrange to miss class on that day.  If needed, we can get the faculty adviser to write a letter to the professor (not a university excused absence) in order to let them know whats going on.  Remember, those that did not attend two Reed Arena clean ups will be paying a $20 dollar sectionals fee before going on the trip.  We will be reserving hotel rooms and paying tournament entries. 

Also, congrats to team 6 for playing like a G6 today...you've earned ten awesome points from me already.

Thanks and gig 'em!

-- Patrick Haines
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Friday, February 11, 2011

Challenges Now Closed

Howdy Ags!

As of right now (11:49PM on 2/11/11) all challenges on the Tennis Club Ladder are now closed.  No ifs, ands, or buts.  If you are verbally challenged after this time it does not matter, the ladder is frozen.  Let's BTHO the entire state of Texas tomorrow in Waco!

Gig 'Em!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Practice Cancelled Tonight

Hey y'all,
Due to the ice/rain/super cold, practice is cancelled again for tonight.  Sorry we haven't had practice for a while, but the tournament this weekend will help us catch up.  Stay safe/warm tonight!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Waco/Big Event Sign Ups

Howdy Ags!!

Tennis club practice tomorrow, so make sure to come out and get warmed up for domination on Saturday in Waco.  Shirts are still 2 for $5 dollars, so come by and grab some cheap threads.  Also, tennis club is participating in Big Event on March 26th.  For those that aren't aware of what Big Event is, it is a student run community service project in the Bryan/College Station area that over 10,000 students participate in annually.  The sign up process is different this year because it is all done online.  Follow this link to go directly to the Texas A&M Tennis Club sign up page: http://bigeventonline.tamu.edu/signup/index/joingroup/code/878C7-00093.  From here, log in and input your information into the prompt boxes.  You can also join the Tennis Club big event group by going to http://bigeventonline.tamu.edu/ and logging in under student participant.  Then type in this access code into the "Join a Group" box: 878C7-00093.  The group "Texas A&M Tennis Club" should appear, and then join the group.  
If your team captain for the Waco tournament has not already contacted you about team plans for the week/weekend, then they will be doing so soon.  In order to arrive on time in Waco, teams should be leaving at about 5:30 Saturday morning, which should give everyone plenty of time to sleep in.  The teams for the tournament can be seen here: https://spreadsheets0.google.com/ccc?hl=en&key=tWSqDwHDXbE_gCFNEJ2uHcA&hl=en#gid=0
For sectionals, the deadline to verbally challenge is Friday, February 11th and the deadline to report a challenge score is Wednesday, February 16th. 
Now here's the same information that you've seen in every email for the entire semester.....enjoy.  If you read past this point, you are the tennis club member of the week.
Membership List:  https://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=0AmcA-BwQTgNJdHU4LU9HU3NFSDh2RHBXMUpaX09kc0E&hl=en&output=html
Challenge Ladder:  https://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=0AmcA-BwQTgNJdFpZVzV3ejB6MEo2LVM2UUQ5ZVZGY1E&hl=en&output=html   

Sectionals will be Friday, Feb. 25th through Sunday, Feb. 27th in Austin, TX.  Team captains will also be contacting you for this tournament, so check the calendar again.  If you are attending sectionals, you will have to miss class ALL DAY on Friday the 25th.  If you are planning to attend sectionals, please begin talking to your professors NOW so that you may arrange to miss class on that day.  If needed, we can get the faculty adviser to write a letter to the professor (not a university excused absence) in order to let them know whats going on.  Remember, those that did not attend two Reed Arena clean ups will be paying a $20 dollar sectionals fee before going on the trip.  We will be reserving hotel rooms and paying tournament entries. 

Finally, there are still several people who have not picked up tennis club apparel ordered a long time ago.  If you have ordered anything, please come and pick it up at practice Wednesday.

Thanks and gig 'em!

-- Patrick Haines
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, February 5, 2011

No Practice Sunday

Howdy Ags!!

Just a reminder that there is no practice tomorrow due to that one football game that everyone's making a big fuss about, and hopefully everyone had a great snowday!

The Waco tournament is coming up this next weekend, and your team captains will be getting in contact with you very soon for practice times, and how your team will be carpooling to Waco on Saturday.  If you're name is not highlighted on the official challenge ladder, then YOU NEED TO LET US KNOW IF YOU'RE GOING TO PLAY.  It is too late to challenge for the Waco tournament, but there is still time to challenge for the sectionals tournament.

Also, if you are wishing to challenge somebody but don't want to be the Facebook creeper sending a message to someone you aren't friends with, y'all can go to the tennis club website and click on the link for 'Official Membership List 2010-2011' and find anyone's phone number and email address as a form of communication to a challengee.  The website is here: https://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=0AmcA-BwQTgNJdHU4LU9HU3NFSDh2RHBXMUpaX09kc0E&hl=en&output=html
Challenge Ladder:  https://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=0AmcA-BwQTgNJdFpZVzV3ejB6MEo2LVM2UUQ5ZVZGY1E&hl=en&output=html   
Challenge Ladder Rules:  https://docs.google.com/View?id=d33jckr_25dqgp9cc7&pli=1

We will only be able to take 8 teams to each tournament, so if you are not satisfied with the team that you are on, be sure to use the challenge system to advance teams.  Please read the challenge rules posted on the website to make sure you know all deadlines and rules for challenges.  For sectionals, the deadline to verbally challenge is Friday, February 11th and the deadline to report a challenge score is Wednesday, February 16th. 

Sectionals will be Friday, Feb. 25th through Sunday, Feb. 27th in Austin, TX.  Team captains will also be contacting you for this tournament, so check the calendar again.  If you are attending sectionals, you will have to miss class ALL DAY on Friday the 25th.  If you are planning to attend sectionals, please begin talking to your professors NOW so that you may arrange to miss class on that day.  If needed, we can get the faculty adviser to write a letter to the professor (not a university excused absence) in order to let them know whats going on.  Remember, those that did not attend two Reed Arena clean ups will be paying a $20 dollar sectionals fee before going on the trip.  We will be reserving hotel rooms and paying tournament entries. 

Finally, there are still several people who have not picked up tennis club apparel ordered a long time ago.  If you have ordered anything, please come and pick it up at practice Wednesday.
Thanks and gig 'em!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Practice Cancelled

Howdy Ags!
Practice is cancelled for tonight, due to the sub-freezing temperatures we will be expecting at 8pm.  If you are disappointed, don't be.  Your hands will thank you!  So cozy up with some hot chocolate and get some studying done tonight!
Also, no official practice on Sunday.  It's the Super Bowl, so exercise your rights under American (and Texan) citizenship and watch the Green Bay Packers BTHO the Steelers!
-Jonathan "AaronRodgersTime!" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Shirts 2 for $5!!

Howdy Ags!!
Practice tomorrow at the usual time at the intramural courts. 

If you want to grab some tennis club gear, we have shirts that will be on sale 2 FOR $5!!!!!!!   That's about as cheap as a non-giveaway shirt is going to get, so make sure to get as many of them as you possibly can.  Maybe you can turn them into a gift, hang them on your wall, use them as a towel, turn them into a pillowcase.....doesn't matter, just make sure to get the 2 for 5$ shirts at practice.

Also, if you are wishing to challenge somebody but don't want to be the Facebook creeper sending a message to someone you aren't friends with, y'all can go to the tennis club website and click on the link for 'Official Membership List 2010-2011' and find anyone's phone number and email address as a form of communication to a challengee.  The website is here: https://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=0AmcA-BwQTgNJdHU4LU9HU3NFSDh2RHBXMUpaX09kc0E&hl=en&output=html
Now that the spring semester is here, that means the Waco regional and the Sectionals tournaments are coming up.  The sign ups for these tournaments will be different than last semester because we will be strictly following the challenge ladder posted on the website.  Here's some important sites for your viewing pleasure.
Website:  http://tennisclub.tamu.edu/  
Challenge Ladder:  https://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=0AmcA-BwQTgNJdFpZVzV3ejB6MEo2LVM2UUQ5ZVZGY1E&hl=en&output=html   
Challenge Ladder Rules:  https://docs.google.com/View?id=d33jckr_25dqgp9cc7&pli=1
We will only be able to take 8 teams to each tournament, so if you are not satisfied with the team that you are on, be sure to use the challenge system to advance teams.  Please read the challenge rules posted on the website to make sure you know all deadlines and rules for challenges.  For the Waco tournament, the deadline to verbally challenge is Feb. 2nd and the deadline to report a challenge is Feb 5th.  For sectionals, the deadline to verbally challenge is Friday, February 11th and the deadline to report a challenge score is Wednesday, February 16th. 

The Waco Regional Tournament is on Saturday, February 12th.  Team captains will be contacting you soon, so check the calendar and make sure you can play on that day.

Sectionals will be Friday, Feb. 25th through Sunday, Feb. 27th in Austin, TX.  Team captains will also be contacting you for this tournament, so check the calendar again.  If you are attending sectionals, you will have to miss class ALL DAY on Friday the 25th.  If you are planning to attend sectionals, please begin talking to your professors NOW so that you may arrange to miss class on that day.  If needed, we can get the faculty adviser to write a letter to the professor (not a university excused absence) in order to let them know whats going on.  Remember, those that did not attend two Reed Arena clean ups will be paying a $20 dollar sectionals fee before going on the trip.  We will be reserving hotel rooms and paying tournament entries. 

Finally, there are still several people who have not picked up tennis club apparel ordered a long time ago.  If you have ordered anything, please come and pick it up at practice Wednesday.
Thanks and gig 'em!

Texas A&M Tennis Club