Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Howdy Ags!!
Make sure to come out to practice on Wednesday so that y'all can work off that Thanksgiving food. 
Look forward to seeing y'all there!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, November 27, 2010

No Practice Sunday

Howdy Ags!!
Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving.
There won't be practice tomorrow, but enjoy the rest of your break!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Fwd: Lessons

Howdy Ags!

A teaching opportunity came up (see below). Anyone interested?

BTW...no practice tomorrow or Sunday

Gig 'Em!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Eric and Patricia Culp <CULP96@netscape.com>
Date: Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 3:10 PM
Subject: Lessons
To: tamu10s@gmail.com

Dear Jonathan,
We are seeking a very experienced tennis player who has the skills to teach serve and refine the volley skills of a freshman in hopes of making high school tennis team. Could do Saturdays or possibly Friday nights or Sun afternoons.  If he makes team....lessons would continue into summer and fall of 2012.  I realize you are graduating... but you could start with him perhaps, then hand him off to someone compatible. If  it helps...he is top of his class....should be very coachable.  If  someone would be willing to take him on...we can afford  $25 cash for the 2 hours of playing.
Rather than spend $400 a week for camp... we would rather see a college student put the money to good use AND have fun while doing it! Also smaller lessons rather than 8 hours a day would suit him better. We would rather commit to $400 over 4 months than a weeks worth.
Please let us know if anyone is interested.
Trish Culp


Netscape.  Just the Net You Need.

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Last Reed Clean Up on Monday

Howdy Tennis Club!

It's gameday in College Station!  If anyone wants to play tennis anywhere in Bryan/College Station around 7 tonight, I don't think you're going to have any problem finding an open court.  For those that are going to the game, y'all can come to practice tomorrow from 4-7 at the intramural courts.
Monday is the last scheduled Reed clean up.  Please come out and help tennis club beat the hell outta the leftovers of messy sports fans at 10 P.M. down by the loading docks again.  The more people we have there helping out, the faster it will go so y'all bring all your friends to help out.  Here's the Facebook page for reference: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/event.php?eid=170915309594262.  If you do not attend two Reed Clean ups, you will be paying to go to sectionals this year, so come on out and get your sectionals paid for.
Let's beat the hell outta Nebraska tonight!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

"The Sweater that Lost its Way"

Attention fellow tennis clubbers,

   At the Reed Arena clean up last night I put my sweater (a gray Columbia fleece) in the stands just before we took our picture at center court. When I came back to pick it up before heading back home...it was GONE! But, for real, I left my sweater there and I'm sure someone just mistakenly grabbed it thinking it was theirs on the way out. So if you have a L gray Columbia fleece that you thought was yours, but after checking... isn't yours... bring it to club tonight por favor :). Thanks!

-Neil Grobler-

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Reed Clean Up Tonight at 10

Howdy Tennis Club!

Hope your Tuesday is going well, and make sure to come to practice tomorrow from 8-11 at the intramural courts.  All apparel is in, so y'all can come pick up anything that y'all ordered.
We have a Reed Arena clean up tonight at 10 P.M., so meet by the loading docks behind Reed and come on in to beat the hell outta spilt popcorn!!!  This is one of two opportunities left to get sectionals paid for, so this is a good chance to get started if you haven't come to a clean up yet.  Here's the Facebook event if you need reference: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/event.php?eid=156279341080505.  If you do not attend two Reed Clean ups, you will be paying to go to sectionals this year, so come on out and get your sectionals paid for!!
Remember that we have a Reed clean up next Monday as well, so keep the date open.
Thanks and gig 'em!!
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Reed Clean Up on Tuesday

Howdy Tennis Club!

Happy Saturday afternoon, and I hope that everyone decides to come out to practice tomorrow from 4-7 out at the intramural courts.  All apparel is in, so y'all can come pick up anything that y'all ordered.

Don't forget to plan for the Reed clean ups on November 16th and 22nd at 10 P.M.  A Facebook event has been created for the clean up on the 16th: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/event.php?eid=156279341080505.  We need at least 20 people for each clean up, so we need as much help as we can get!!  Remember that if you attend two Reed Arena clean ups, your sectionals fees will be waived for the spring!!  If you do not attend two Reed Clean ups, you will be paying to go to sectionals this year, so come on out and get your sectionals paid for!!
Thanks and gig 'em!

-- Patrick Haines
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

All Apparel Is In

Howdy Ags!
This is your friendly Tuesday morning reminder to come to practice tomorrow from 8-11 out at the intramural courts.  Due to the fact that we didn't have practice last Wednesday, the theme is going to be 'Murrica night again.  Come show off your red, white, and blue in the most patriotic way you can.  The guys uniform shirts are finally in so y'all can come pick up everything that you ordered.

Don't forget to plan for the Reed clean ups on November 16th and 22nd.  A Facebook event has been created for the clean up on the 16th: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/event.php?eid=156279341080505.  We need at least 20 people for each clean up, so we need as much help as we can get!!  Remember that if you attend two Reed Arena clean ups, your sectionals fees will be waived for the spring!!  If you do not attend two Reed Clean ups, you will be paying to go to sectionals this year, so come on out and get your sectionals paid for!!
Alright, come pick up your apparel and show off that American regalia tomorrow night.
Thanks and gig 'em!

-- Patrick Haines
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Tennis Club is Awesome

Howdy Ags!

We would like to apologize if you came out to practice on Wednesday.  The rec thought the courts would be wet and did not send a worker out to open the courts.  However, we are still having practice tomorrow at the intramural courts from 4-7.  Remember to come out and pick up your tennis club apparel at practice!

Thank you to everyone who came out and cleaned up Reed Arena on Tuesday.  There will be two more Reed clean ups on November 16th and 22nd as well, and a Facebook event has been created for the clean up on the 16th: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/event.php?eid=156279341080505.  We need at least 20 people for each clean up, so we need as much help as we can get!!  Remember that if you attend two Reed Arena clean ups, your sectionals fees will be waived for the spring!!  If you do not attend two Reed Clean ups, you will be paying to go to sectionals this year, so come on out and get your sectionals paid for!!

Well, that's all for now....

Let's beat the hell outta OU tonight!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Reed clean up tonight at 10

Howdy Ags!

Remember to come out to practice tomorrow from 8-11 at the intramural courts.  The theme will be 'Murrica night, so come in a patriotic mood and dressed in the most American red, white, and blue attire you have.  While you're there, pick up your apparel at practice so you can rep tennis club.  Everything is in except for the guys uniform shirts.

The first Reed Arena clean up will be TODAY at 10 P.M. down by the loading docks behind Reed Arena.  There was a facebook event sent out from this event page: http://www.facebook.com/?sk=messages#!/event.php?eid=127355660651920
There will be two more Reed clean ups on November 16th and 22nd as well, and Facebook event invites will be sent out for them soon.  We need at least 20 people for each clean up, so we need as much help as we can get!!  Remember that if you attend two Reed Arena clean ups, your sectionals fees will be waived for the spring!!  If you do not attend two Reed Clean ups, you will be paying to go to sectionals this year, so come on out and get your sectionals paid for!!
We look forward to seeing y'all tonight at Reed and tomorrow at practice where you can pick up your apparel.  Don't forget to sport those USA colors tomorrow!!
Thanks and gig 'em!!

Texas A&M Tennis Club