Friday, January 15, 2010

New Ladder, Waco, Sectionals, Fleeces, Fundraising (RESPONSE NEEDED)

Howdy Ags!

We hope everyone had a fantastic break filled with lots of food, family, and football.  First practice will be next Wednesday, January 20th!!!  As we enter the Spring semester, Tennis Club is going to get into full swing.  We have two tournaments left: Waco on February 13th, and Sectionals in Austin on February 26th-28th.  This is where the ladder becomes EXTREMELY important!  We have developed a new ladder based off of last semester's ladder, tournament participation, and tournament results.  The new ladder includes 8 teams with a large pool below team 8 that players can challenge up into. We will attempt to take up to 8 teams to Waco and/or Sectionals max.   The Tennis on Campus programs has grown a lot in the past few years and they are starting to limit the number of teams that can enter the tournaments.  Therefore, the higher you are on the ladder the better chance you will have of playing in these tournaments.  The challenge ladder rules can be found here.  If we can take all 8 teams to each tournament then we will, but there is no guarantee from the USTA.  Sectionals is where we have the opportunity to send a team to Nationals, it's a really big deal and everyone should be super pumped to be a part of the best tennis club in the great state of Texas!  

Also, we would like to know AS SOON AS POSSIBLE if you can commit to playing in the Waco Regional, Sectionals, or both.  We also need everyone's shirt size!  We are offering one more round of orders for Texas A&M Tennis Club swag!  We will be offering charcoal gray Columbia full-zip fleeces with the Tennis Club logo on them for $35 and Tennis Club towels with the logo for $10.  The fleeces are a great deal and a fantastic way to show Tennis Club pride during the chilly spring semester.  The towels will be 16"X25" and white with maroon embroidery.  The order form can be found here.  Please turn these into your prez, Jonathan, by Jan. 31st WITH YOUR MONEY.

Finally, we are going to make one final push with fundraising for the year.  We have attached our 2010 fundraising letter to this email, and we ask that you send this to at least one family member or friend.  We have some the lowest dues in the state, even the nation, and it is because our fundraising efforts and donations from others that we are able to do this.  If you know anyone that would be interested in helping our club out, please sent them this letter.  These donations help everyone in club!

1. Spring semester is where we do it big and bring home a championship
2. Start challenging to determine your team positioning ASAP
3. Shoot us an email ASAP saying whether or not you can play in Waco, Sectionals, both, or neither (and tell us your shirt size if you intend on playing)
4. Fill out your fleece and towel order form and turn it in to Jonathan Brower by Jan. 31st (no orders accepted without money!)
5. Send our fundraising letter to friends and family
6. Start practicing to beat the everliving HELL outta all the other club teams in Texas!

Thanks and Gig 'Em!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

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