Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Hey guys!
Sorry I'm a little late, but basketball season started, so I was watch
my Rockets lose :(
It's ohk though, we will probably beat GS tomorrow :)
Ohh and Dallas lost ahhahah!!!

Practice is today, Wednesday, at 8pm at the intramural courts!
Remember to wear all white for WIMBLEDON WEDNESDAY!!
Come out, hit with your fellow members, and get some laughs in!

Guys, Tennis Club is Tailgating this weekend...
Here is the link for more information!
Fyi, Golf Etc. will be giving away a racket valued up to $200
Ohh, and there will be FREE FOOD!
So come out to the tailgate and have a fun filled Saturday!

Sign ups for the last tournament of the semester is up!
The Houston Regional Tournament is on November 7th, so reserve the date.
Here is the link to sign-up:

Finally, uniforms are ready and will be available to be picked up at
practice on Wednesday night!
We also have old shirts and still available for sale!!!
Everyone needs extra Tennis Club shirts, so pick 'em up while they are HOTTT!


-- Rushi Dave
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Practice, Tailgate, Unis

Howdy Ags!

Practice tomorrow from 4-7pm. Thanks to everyone that helped out at
the ITA tournament. Remember that we will be having our tailgate this
upcoming weekend with free food, music, games and giveaways. It's
gonna be an awesome time and a great way for you to hang out with all
your tennis club peeps. Check out all the info on the tailgate here:

Also, November 7th we will be having our last club tournament of the
year in Houston. If you want to play sign up here:

Finally, I have all the uniforms in and you can pick them up at
practice tomorrow. If you still want a hoodie ($20) Sunday is the last
day to place your order with me. See ya'll out there tomorrow!

Thanks and Gig 'Em!

-Jonathan "call me the sandman" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Thursday, October 22, 2009

President's Notes

Howdy Ags!

So Wimbledon Wednesday was ironically, and fittingly?, rained out last
night. Such a bummer, but next Wednesday we'll try it again. We still
need some volunteers to help out at the ITA tourney this weekend for
the varsity team. Take a look at this sign up sheet and let me know
if you can help out at any of the open time slots:

Also, don't forget to come out to Volleyball Day at the Rec on
Saturday from 2-5pm. I'm also ordering a second round of hoodies. I'm
going to order them next Monday, so you need to let me know ASAP if
you want one. Just shoot me an email with your name and size.
Remember they cost $20. I've also attached a picture of the hoodie
design if you still aren't convinced these hoodies are freaking
awesome. (seriously, don't be the only one without a TC hoodie when
it gets cold)

Thanks and Gig 'Em!

-Jonathan "you say get em, I say got em" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Hey guys!
I hope everyone is having an awesome week! If you're taking any tests good luck!
Just so you know...

Practice is tomorrow at 8PM at the intramural courts!
IT WILL BE WIMBLEDON WEDNESDAY! For those of you who don't know that
means, dress in all black...
sike, please come in full white attire, or you will not be able to
participate in any tennis related activites
sike, just come to club wearing all white.
Come hit with your fellow members and get some good laughs in!

Challenge season started and people are moving up teams left and right!
Don't get left behind, follow the trend, CHALLENGE!!
Here are the teams:

Guys, sorry to say, Tennis Club will not be attending the Dallas Tournament...
We would like to apologize to anyone who made plans.
Instead, your Texas A&M Aggie Varsity Tennis Team is hosting an ITA
Regional this weekend.
Tennis Club will be volunteering for this event. If you are
interested, please email us your preferred time!
Here are the slots:

Ohh and UNIFORMS... they are in! Jonathan will bring them to club
tomorrow, so come pick up your
uniforms! Also, if you would still like to order a hoodie, email us
your size, and we can bring them out to
you tomorrow!

For the first time... Tennis club will be mixing it up a lil and
this Saturday at 2pm at the rec. Come out and show tennis club that
you can DO IT BIG in two sports...
For more info, here is the link:

Also, one of your fellow Tennis Club members, Kymber L.,
lost here license this past Sunday... If you managed to find it,
please email us, or return it to her tomorrow...
Remember, "Aggies help Aggies in need"

Thanks and Gig'em

-- Rushi Dave
Secretary 09-10
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Practice, Hoodies

Howdy Ags!

Another great tournament this weekend! We had all-A&M finals in the
top two draws, and Team 1 pulled out a tight super-tiebreaker win
against Team 2. We got practice tomorrow from 4-7pm and if anyone
wants to pick up their hoodie that they ordered, come to practice and
I'll have them. Uniforms should be in by Wednesday's practice. Also,
if you missed the deadline to order a hoodie, let me know ASAP what
size you want and I'll order another round of hoodies.

Also, don't forget to come out to our tailgate
( for the
Iowa St. game on October 31st. We will have free food, games, and
music! Also, we will be having raffle to give away some awesome
prizes and Golf Etc. will be giving away a racket valued up to $200!
So come on out, eat some good food and win some awesome stuff.

Also, Golf Etc. has started carrying tennis equipment and will be
offering any paying member of Tennis Club 15% off anything in the
store. Next level sports, the company that was at the tournament this
weekend, has also offered to give us 20% off anything in their store.
So, go check out those places and get some awesome tennis gear.

1. A&M did it BIG this weekend
2. Come get your hoodies/let me know if you want to order one
3. Come to the tailgate and win free stuff!
4. Go check out Golf Etc. and Next Level Sports to get some awesome discounts

Thanks and Gig 'Em!

-Jonathan "AMAZING" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Hoodies and Unis

Howdy Ags!

The Tennis Club Hoodies are in. Call me if you want to pick yours up
before Saturday, otherwise I will have the hoodies at the tournament
on Saturday and at practice on Sunday. The uniforms will be here no
later than next Wednesday.

Thanks and Gig 'Em!

-Jonathan "where amazing happens" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Hey guy just a quick reminder...

Practice is today, Wednesday, at 8PM...
Please come out and hit a little...
Especially all you playing this weekend!!!
We, Tennis Club, want to show all the other schools how great we are!!
Don't lose!! No pressure :)

So, this Saturday is the COLLEGE STATION tourney!
If you signed up for the tourney, please make sure you are on a team.
Also, all team captains, make sure you contact your team regarding
pre-tourney hitting/ dining/ hanging out...
Get to know your team!!
For everyone not playing, come out on Saturday and support your fellow AGS!!!
Here are the teams:

October 24, next weekend, is the Dallas tournament!
If you plan on attending and are from the Dallas area,
would you be willing to let your fellow tennis club members sleep at
your place the Friday before the tourney?
Sign-ups for that tourney are up! Sign-up now!!!
Remember "Aggies help fellow Aggies!"
Dallas Sign-up:

Guys, the challenge ladder is up and running!
Start challenging!!! Do not hesitate to ask!
Here is the Official Tennis Club ladder:
Here are the rules:

Tennis club will be tailgating on October 31st!!
Mark your calenders, and be ready to have a blast!
Here is the link to the event:


-- Rushi Dave
Secretary 09-10
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, October 11, 2009

College Stattion Regional

Howdy Ags!

Deadline to sign up for this tourney is TONIGHT at 10PM. We need to
get the teams made so sign up before then. Remember, only people who
marked "attending" will be added to teams. Also, if you do mark
attending, please keep to your commitment to play, no backing out.
Sign up here:

Also, don't forget to come out to the DFW Regional:

Thanks and Gig 'Em

Texas A&M Tennis Club


Howdy Ag's!!
I hope everyone had a great weekend! It's a shame that football lost,
but I heard it was a great game!
Just so ya'll know...

Practice is today at 4pm at the intramural courts! Come and get some
hitting in before the week starts!
Also, come and congratulate team 1 for winning this weekend's Houston Tourney!

Remember that October 17th, this Saturday, is the COLLEGE STATION tourney!!
Please sign-up for that through Facebook or by emailing us!
Please put either "attending" or "not attending". "Maybe" will not be
taken into consideration when making the teams....

October 24 is the Dallas tournament!
If you plan to attend and are from Dallas...
Would you be willing to let your fellow tennis club members sleep at
your place the Friday before the tourney?
It would be a very kind and generous thing to do... Sign-ups for that
tourney will open
up this week!!
Remember "Aggies help fellow Aggies!"

Guys, the challenge ladder is up and running!
Start challenging!!! Do not hesitate to ask!
We want the best players on each team, so if you feel you are good
enough to challenge Soong Hay Tam...
Then DO IT BIG... Ask him!!
Here is the Official Tennis Club ladder:

Also, Tennis club will be tailgating on October 31st!!
Mark your calenders, and be ready to have a blast!
More information will be available shortly.


-- Rushi Dave
Secretary 09-10
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tennis Club

Wassup Tennis Club!
Us tennis club officers would like to wish ya'll a great week!
I would like to let ya'll know...

Practice tomorrow is at 8pm at the Intramural courts...
Get out, come to the courts, hit with us! Get ready for the Houston
tourney so we can BTHO t.u.!!!
Hopefully it wont rain this time...
Also, guys please pick up your own balls at practice! A lot of people
are leaving balls on all the
courts when they leave (it's not cool to make us officers pick them all up...)

The teams for this weekend' tourney Houston are ready to go!
Make sure if you signed up you are on a team! If not, contact one of
the officers!!!
The tourney starts at 8:30AM at either Homer Ford, Rice or UH.
More information about teams and site locations will be sent through
email shortly...
Captains make sure your teammates have rides to Houston.

October 17th is the COLLEGE STATION tourney!!
Please sign-up for that through Facebook or by emailing us!
Please put either "attending" or "not attending". "Maybe" will not be
taken into consideration when making the teams....

October 24 is the Dallas tournament!
If you are planning on going and are from Dallas...
Would you be willing to let your fellow tennis club members sleep at
your place Friday the 23rd??
It would be greatly appreciated. Sign-ups for that tourney will open
up next week...
Remember "Aggies help fellow Aggies!"

Guys, the challenge ladder is up and running!
If you feel your bad ass and want to move up to a better team... Start
Here is the Official Tennis Club ladder:

Also, join the Facebook Group!!!


-- Rushi Dave
Secretary 09-10
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Tennis Club!!

Howdy Ag's!
I hope everyone who played this weekend at Austin had a good time. It
was very unfortunate that it rained, but there was a lot of
good tennis!! So...

Practice is tomorrow at 4pm at the intramural courts! Come, hit, have
fun before the week starts!!

Remember the official TAMU Tennis Club ladder is up! Start challenging
and move up!!

Also, our second tourney is this coming Saturday in Houston. Please
sign-up either through Facebook or by sending
us an email!! It is going to be a lot of fun!!! We will be taking a
bunch of teams!!


-- Rushi Dave
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Friday, October 2, 2009

Fuddruckers TONIGHT!!!!!

Howdy All,
In case you forgot, we're having our first fundraiser/social event
tonight. We'll be meeting at 8 at fuddruckers and then heading over
to shivers after for some snow cones. It'll be great way to get to
know your teams and other tennis club peeps so be sure to make it out.
Also, if you can't make it at 8, just buying a hamburger any time
today and telling them its for the tennis club will help support us
(and we need it, its expensive to send 9 teams to a tournament!).


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Uniform Order

Howdy Ags!

I got all the uniforms ordered today, but as I was going through all
the orders, I got an order form with no name on it. The order was for

1 XL Ladies Top
1 XL Ladies Skirt
1 Hat
1 XL Hoodie

If this is your order email me at or send me a
message on Facebook so that I can write your name down!

Thanks and Gig 'Em!

-Jonathan Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club