Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Practice, Uniforms

Howdy Ags!

Hope everyone's semester is starting off well. Practice tomorrow night from 8-11pm out at the intramural courts.  We STILL have a lot of uniform orders that need to be picked up, so stop by practice and pick 'em up if you ordered something from us last semester. This weekend, as I hope ya'll know, we are having the Aggieland Inviational.  You can register by Wednesday night (January 28) at http://tennisclub.tamu.edu/form/  It's kind of a different format, but it should be a ton of fun.

Remember that we have also set up the challenge ladder for the Waco tourney and Sectionals.  The ladder and challenge rules can be found here:

Challenge ladder rules and relevant dates:

Current team ladder:

Also, remember that tomorrow is National Blueberry Pancake Day.  So wake up tomorrow, and start your day off right and have a nice plate of blueberry pancakes, if not for yourself or your country, but for me since I probably won't have time to make blueberry pancakes tomorrow, because of my 8am class, which happens to be Materials Engineering...gag me.  (that was the best run-on sentence EVER)  And if you STILL need another reason to make blueberry pancakes tomorrow...Did you know that if all the blueberries grown in North America in one year were spread out in a single layer, they would cover a four-lane highway that stretched from New York to Chicago. Well now you know, and knowing is half the battle.  So smile on this dreary, cold Tuesday and wish Mozart happy birthday, cuz it's the 253rd anniversary of his birth.

Thanks and Gig 'Em!

-Jonathan "Picachu...I dare you not to laugh" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

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