Saturday, January 31, 2009

Super Bowl

Howdy Ags!

Thanks to everyone that came out to play today in the Aggieland Invitational, it was a lot of fun.  As for tomorrow, because of the Super Bowl, we aren't gonna do to much tomorrow in terms of practice.  There will probably be a hopper of balls out there to hit if you want, but don't expect too much.  Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and watch the last bit of football you're gonna see for a while.

Thanks and Gig 'Em!

-Jonathan "BIG GAME" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Practice, Uniforms

Howdy Ags!

Hope everyone's semester is starting off well. Practice tomorrow night from 8-11pm out at the intramural courts.  We STILL have a lot of uniform orders that need to be picked up, so stop by practice and pick 'em up if you ordered something from us last semester. This weekend, as I hope ya'll know, we are having the Aggieland Inviational.  You can register by Wednesday night (January 28) at  It's kind of a different format, but it should be a ton of fun.

Remember that we have also set up the challenge ladder for the Waco tourney and Sectionals.  The ladder and challenge rules can be found here:

Challenge ladder rules and relevant dates:

Current team ladder:

Also, remember that tomorrow is National Blueberry Pancake Day.  So wake up tomorrow, and start your day off right and have a nice plate of blueberry pancakes, if not for yourself or your country, but for me since I probably won't have time to make blueberry pancakes tomorrow, because of my 8am class, which happens to be Materials Engineering...gag me.  (that was the best run-on sentence EVER)  And if you STILL need another reason to make blueberry pancakes tomorrow...Did you know that if all the blueberries grown in North America in one year were spread out in a single layer, they would cover a four-lane highway that stretched from New York to Chicago. Well now you know, and knowing is half the battle.  So smile on this dreary, cold Tuesday and wish Mozart happy birthday, cuz it's the 253rd anniversary of his birth.

Thanks and Gig 'Em!

-Jonathan "Picachu...I dare you not to laugh" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Challenge Ladder

Hopefully, everyone who played in any event, outside of practice, was placed on the challenge ladder for this semester. If we missed ya, let us know.

The ladder is primarily intended for developing our team lineup for Sectionals, but we will also use this ladder for the Waco tournament as well. If you are not planning on attending either one of the tournaments, let us know, so we can give your spot to another player.

We plan on taking as many teams as we can make to Waco. We have not decided how many teams we will take to Sectionals (probably 5-8).

Please contact your team captains when you wish to commit to attending either the Waco or Sectionals Tournament.

Challenge ladder rules
and relevant dates

Current team ladder:

Let us know if ya have any questions-


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Practice, Housekeeping

Howdy Ags!

Practice tomorrow from 4-7pm at the intramural courts.  Also for anyone that's just interested in learning some more info about tennis club in general, we will be at MSC Open House tomorrow from 2-5pm.  Also, the men's varsity will be playing at 1pm tomorrow against Radford.  It should be a lot of fun, and if you've never been to a Fightin' Texas Aggie Tennis Match, it's something you need to experience.  We also got all the uniform orders in, so come and pick your stuff at practice tomorrow.

Also, anyone who did not participate last semester, and would like to play in Waco or Sectionals, let us know ASAP to get on the ladder. Everybody who played in any tourni last semester is automatically on the ladder, which will be released later.

Thanks and Gig 'Em!

-Jonathan "just like chris brown" David "i can run it" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

the AGGIELAND invitational


Next Saturday (Jan 31), we will be hosting the AGGIELAND invitational, sponsored by USTA-Texas, here in College Station, TX. It's free and it's not WTT.


by Wednesday night (January 28) at


We will be dividing up the day into 2 halves, with a lunch break. The first half of the day will be singles only. Players will be assigned to and will play out a 4-player singles round robin. In the second half of the day, players will choose between playing doubles and mixed. Teams will be assigned to and will play out a 4-team round robin.

Each match will be decided by 3 of 5, 7-point tie breakers. At the end of the day, each win tallies a point for that player's school, with the winners being decided by the best team win/player ratio. Players will be assigned to their pools based on your NTRP level to ensure that all matches are competitive.


First half (9:00 - 1:00): Each player is placed into a 4-player singles round robin, determined by NTRP (best play best). Everybody plays 3 matches.

Second half (2:00-6:00p): Each player is placed into either the doubs or mixed division of a 4-team round robin, determined by NTRP (best play best). Each team plays 3 matches.

Each match will be decided by 3 of 5, 7-point tie breakers. Each win will tally a point for that player's school, with the winners being decided by the best team win/player ratio.

(10MB PDF)


David Hoover
TAMU Tennis Club
(214) 773 - 0504

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Practice, Uniforms, Aggieland Invitational, Dates, Varsity, Genetics

Howdy Ags!

Hope everyone had a great break.  I spent my break cleaning golf carts and clubs for cash money, teaching myself to play "When the Saints Go Marching In" on the piano, watching a college football game that was actually more boring than an A&M game, getting my hair did, playing for a semi-professional Mexican field hockey team, and jump starting my car at 4am on New Year's Day.  Only one of those is a lie.  

We start up practice again tomorrow from 8-11pm out at the intramural courts.  We have all the uniform orders ready and available for pickup at the courts tomorrow.  So if you ordered something from us last semester, stop by and check with Andy for your order.  The uniforms look awesome, especially the super sweet and trendy hoodies.  Also, in case anyone hasn't checked the TC calendar, we will be hosting a tournament next weekend on January 31st.  It will be a club tourney, but it will not follow a WTT format.  We will have more information on this later, but for know just keep this in mind so you can join us for another fun club tournament.  Also, for anyone out there who still isn't sure about Tennis Club is and what we do, we will be at MSC Open House on Sunday from 2-5pm.

We have a lot planned this semester including socials, sectionals, Big Event, and a couple Intra-Club Tourneys.  Just some dates to keep in mind:

January 31st, 2009:
Aggieland Invitational @ A&M

Feb. 14th, 2009:
Waco Regional Tourney

Feb. 27th-March 1st, 2009:
SECTIONALS @ San Antonio

March 28th, 2009:

April 11th, 2009:
Intra-Club Singles Tourney

April 18th, 2009:
NATIONALS @ Surprise, AZ

April 25th, 2009:
Intra-Club Dubs Tourney

For sectionals and nationals we will be creating a ladder system based on last semester's results and participation to decide the teams.  We will send out the ladder and the challenge rules in a little bit.  Also, the varsity season is starting up and Tennis Club is the biggest fan of our varsity teams.  We will always have a group getting together for the varsity matches to support them and watch some really amazing tennis.  The women's team will play Denver on Saturday at 1pm and the men's team will play Radford on Sunday at 1pm.  We hope to see some of ya'll out there.

I hope to see a lot of ya'll out there tomorrow to get back into the swing of things.  We got a lot of tennis planned and and a National Championship to win.  So I want everyone to go out and JUST DO IT BIG.

Thanks and Gig 'Em!

-Jonathan "the problem with the gene pool is that there's no lifeguard" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club