Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Welcome back...


So its going to be cold and probably rainy, but tomorrow, Wednesday 8-11p, will be our first scheduled practice for the semester.

We have several tournaments scheduled, the largest of which will be Sectionals... and its happening in Aggieland this year. We will be able to enter as many teams as we can make and we will be making as many teams as we can so definitely mark that weekend down in your calendars.

So here's my shoutout to the 800+ email address we have on our listserv, and the players that read our emails but haven't yet found time to come out to a practice: Tennis club has no attendance requirements.... you practice where, when, and how you want to. Feel free to jump in whenever....

Attached is the latest Tennis on Campus newsletter.

We still have plenty of our maroon NATIONAL CHAMPIONS t-shirts that haven't been picked up.

UNIFORMS: We will be ordering uniforms and they will be here by Sectionals. Unfortunately, Adidas is sold out of all maroon shirts in quantities that we need nationwide until March, which was our first choice, but we will figure something out. Unlike the t-shirts, the uniforms will not be entirely covered by the club....we will sell the entire uniform for $10. There will be a sign up, and you will have to pay soon after. I'll keep yall updated...

Looking way ahead-- we will be having a "parent-play" tournament (father-son, mother-daughter, etc...) on Parent's Weekend... there will be flyers sent out as that gets closer...

Ya, i think thats all... don't study too hard...


Texas A&M Tennis Club

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