Friday, November 30, 2007

Dress Code

Haha not really a dress code but please wear your A&M t-shirts that we gave out on Wednesday if you did not get one i will give you one at 12:00 tomorrow so please be on time.

Thanks and gig-em


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Beat the hell outta t.u.

Allright guys here is the scoop.  We will all meet at 12:00 p.m. at the intramural courts for a quick debriefing.  t.u. will arrive between 12 and 12:30.  Match play will begin at 12:30 and doubles will go on first.  Singles will go on right after doubles.  There also will not be any drinks provided so come prepared with drinks.  We will be playing 2 out of 3 sets add scoring.

We would love to create a homefield advantage like we have in football so if any of yall have free time and would like to watch us take them down than that would be great.  However as you know we are one of the most respected clubs in the nation and we would like to keep our reputation.  There will be no throwing rackets and cursing.  Try your hardest guys and show them the great spirit and honor of Aggieland.  Any questions or comments call me at 432-634-1588.

Beat the Hell outta t.u.


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Thursday, November 29, 2007

UT Dual Match / extra Practice

Hey guys,

As you guys are well aware that we are playing UT or t.u. this weekend,  we are now meeting at HIGH NOON or 12:00pm to warm-up and will begin play at 12:30 sharp.  Please be prompt as we want to be fully warm before we BTHO t.u.
On that note, We will be having an EXTRA practice tonight (thursday night) at 8:00pm for all the people that are playing the event.  I know a lot of you guys including myself are extremely busy this week but please try to get in as much hitting before this match =].  I look forward to seeing you guys tonight and good luck with tests and whatever else you have going on.

Have a Great Week and BTHO t.u.,

Soong Hay Tam
Competition Officer

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Shirts!! Practice, t.u. Dual Match

Shirts are here and in stock come pick up yours Wednesday for only a price of 10$ per shirt, haha jk they are FREE for all members.

Practice tomorrow 8-11 be there or be square.

We have a final list for the dual match verse t.u., it may change however if any more challenges take place before the deadline.  The list is attached, again let us know if you cannot make it ASAP.

Thanks and have a great day


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Monday, November 26, 2007

UT Dual Match

The UT dual match played here at Texas A&M will be held this weekend at 1:00-6:00 on Saturday.

We have used results from the tournament and pool play to come up with these names.  To our dissappointment t.u. is only bringing 9 guys and girls which is less than predicted therefore we have come up with a list of nine guys and girls listed below.  If you feel that you should be on this list you have two days starting now to challenge.  You can challenge only once and it has to be played by Wednesday at 11:00.  We will reserve courts on Wednesday for this purpose but probably only four or five.  The names are:

Guys:  Andrew Borne, Soong Hay Tam, Matt Sumrall, Hersh Pise, Rushy Dave, Billy Uran, Jonathan Burkes, Patrick Dean, Jordan Wilson

Girls:  Christine Frankson, Selyna Nunez, Kiki Burns, Jill Wright, Ashley Gomez, Ashley Force, Fernanda, Megan Fitzgibbons, Nichole Williams

These are singles positions only, doubles will be announced at a later date.
Contacts have been sent out in previous emails.


If you cannot play this weekend and you are on the list let us know ASAP.

Soong - Jonathan

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, November 25, 2007

No Practice

What up G's!
As many of you may know, it is freakin wet outside right now, and the temperature is right around a toasty 40 degrees.  Wet + Cold = NO PRACTICE!  Sorry, I know it sucks, but it is supposed to be warm and sunny this coming week, so save your A games for Wednesday!
Fundraising Officer

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Practice Today

Howdy loyal tennis club goers,

How about them AGS, WHOOP! Our football team played unbelievable(compared to usual) and all i can say is fantastic.

There will be practice today from 4-7 for those that are daring, there will be no feeding though due to officer shortages.  If it is raining than tennis club will be canceled.  However if the weather is fair and you want to hit around there will be balls and hopefully people to hit with.

So have a great week, hope you had a great thanksgiving and GIG'EM


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Monday, November 19, 2007

Tourney Results

Howdy Ags!!
Well this weekend was a long one!!  As y'all know we had our tournament this weekend and everyone played amazing. We had people playing up to 9 matches this weekend. I know I'm sore. I want to thank Soong, Johnny, and David for a job well done on the tournament. It was hard with the rain delays but they got it done. Another reminder, No CLUB on Wednesday, Yes CLUB on Sunday.  I hope everyone has a great thanksgiving and drive safe please. And BTHO t.u.......even though we will lose. But fran in gone. So its ok.
Tournament results
1.Chelsea Benner
2.Anna Hoover
1. Daniel Brown
2. Soong
1. Nichole/Ashley Gomez
2. Jill Wright/Chelsea Frankson
Matt Sumrall/Billy Uran
Borne/Soong Hay Tam
1.Matt Sumrall/Nichole Williams
2.Billy Uran/Kiki Burns
Later Guys have a great Thanksgiving
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Sunday Play Delayed 3 hrs

Howdy guys- go back to sleep for 3 hrs or so. We are bumping all match times back 3 hrs... This will probably be the final delay for the weekend.



Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Draws for Sunday

Sorry, for the late update.

Attached are the new times. I have changed only the times that were necessary and conflicting.

Staying dry-


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Friday, November 16, 2007



Attached are the draws for this weekend.

Check in will be at the varsity courts. Times marked in red are not confirmed, and might be changed depending on court openings or player's scheduling conflicts.

Let us know if there is any immediate conflicts early on Saturday.

Thanks for your patience this weekend... and for those schedule to play 10+ matches, we will have a medic on site :)


David and Soong

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Do Not Pay!

If you have a parking permit than it is free for you to park in lot 100d which is the lot we park in for tennis club.  If they ask you to pay 5 dollars explain that you have a permit and this lot is valid for any TAMU parking permit.  This should ensure that you will not pay.

See you all out there,


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Practice and Tournament

Hey guys we have practice tonight from 8-11.

Also, sign up for the tournament this weekend at, to be clear there will be singles, doubles, and mixed and you can play in as many events as you want.  If you are playing mixed please email the club with your name and doulbes partner name along with what division, A,B


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Monday, November 12, 2007

Tournament this Weekend

I  first want to say that helping at the supers tournament this weekend was a huge success.  The club thanks all of you who were able to donate there time to help. 
Next, due to popular demand we will be offering MIXED DOUBLES at the tournament this weekend so please reply to this email with your partner if you want to play.  We hope to have a great turn out.
Here is some basic information about the tournament.  We will be playing at the varsity-intramural courts.  It will start at either 8 or 9 on Saturday morning and will last till Sunday depending on matches.
What you need to do:  Sign up at, this will allow us to make the draws easier.
Any questions- feel free to email the club.
Our shirts are going to be coming in soon so just hold out a little longer.

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, November 11, 2007

No Club practice

Hey guys no club practice tomorrow, Sunday the 11, use the time to study haha, also if you are working tomorrow please be there and be on time.


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Friday, November 9, 2007

Last minute update

Hey guys-

Concessions - Will meet at the entrance to the intramural tennis courts.

Court Monitors- if you have a stopwatch, or a second hand on a watch, please bring that along with you. You can go straight to your site, no need to stop by TAMU. When you arrive, please let your site director know you are there, then contact the USTA official for a quick briefing.


David / Jonathan Team
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Updated help for this weekend

Attached is the updated version of help for this weekend. Please note the change in times and locations as we tried to accommodate as best we could.

Please respond to this email tonight to confirm your time for tomorrow or Sunday.

Dress code- normal tennis clothes with maroon tamu, or any tennis club shirt, except the straight ballin' one.

Court Monitors- As of right now, the plan is that you will need to check in with Vicki to get instructions (quick intro to timing warm-ups/overruling calls) at TAMU before travelling to your site.



Texas A&M Tennis Club

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Updated Times and Sites for Supers Tournament

Sorry guys, same thing but this draft is updated.  Let me know with any issues or problems.  Remember to play your matches, and remember to sign up for the tournament this weekend.


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Times for Supers Tournament

I want to first of all thank you for the great response for working at the tournament this weekend.  Here is when you will be working.

I will let you know more about court monitoring later, please bring a stopwatch if you have one when you court monitor.  Also if you are not on here and you want to help out please let me know ASAP.

Also if there is anything wrong let me know and please reply to me that you confirm these times.


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Club pull for tu Game

Just a quick poll... Who would be interested in getting together a group to pull together for the tu game?

Replies to this email would be great.



Texas A&M Tennis Club

Short Debrief

Howdy Ags,
First of all we have tennis club tonight and I want all of you that can get away from school to come and relax and play a little.
Next order of business,
This weekend we are working the supers tournament this weekend and we could use a little more help, if you have already replied to us saying you can help you are signep up and we are currently working on the schedule.  If you can work, court monitor or concessions, we would love for you to help us.  Anyone can help.  I will send a list later with times of when you will be working for those that have signep up.
Final Order,
Nov. 17 is our long awaited inter-club tournament (singles and doubles).  To register just go to our site at, this is always a lot of fun and open to anyone in the club and anyone out of the club.  We hope to have a good turn out.  So find your partners and start preparing.
Thanks and Gig-em

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Monday, November 5, 2007

Upcoming Super Tournament (We Need You)

Howdy Fellow tennis Ags,

As mentioned earlier we have the priveledge of working as court monitors and in the concessions at the local supers tournament here in College Station.  Also mentioned it is mandatory for anyone wanting to play in nationals and this will help us decide future teams to take to tournaments.  We need girls and guys so everyone is welcome to help.  So anyone that is available to help this weekend please reply to this email and say whether you can help Saturday or Sunday or both.  Hopefully if enough people help then the hours will not be that long.  Besides court monitoring is quite fun.


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, November 4, 2007


Hey guys,
Practice today from 4-7. Get your matches done!! And David is a professional bowler. That is all.
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Friday, November 2, 2007

Updated Round 4,5,6 -- 2nd Try


Here you go.  I tried not to affect as many pools as I could so most of you should have the same matches.  Good Luck and Have Fun!
O, Guys I'm begging you to play your matches...we are a team and let us practice together and make the most out of these matches.  Play your matches and i'll love you forever hehe.

Soong Hay Tam

PLEASE..................... LET THIS BE RIGHT!!!, I'm praying...
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Round 4, 5, 6 - Pool Play ---- Under Review

Hey Guys,

Hold off on playing matches, as additional changes will be made.....but please check the pools and let us know of more problems or issues.  The Update will be sent out tonight after Bowling Social.

Soong Hay Tam

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Round 4, 5, & 6 - Pool Play/ Duties for Upcoming Supers Tournament

Hey Guys,

Again, I apologize for the delay for the next set of matches.  We had to make several accommodations to get more matches in as well as tweaking the system for the last half of the matches to better the placement of players on teams.  And lets be honest, it also makes my life tons better, which is quite nice! =]  The attachment has the pool play format that we used last year except this time we have results from the first few rounds.  Our intent for the pools are to give you people that are of similar levels with yourself.  I hope that the pools will indeed provide good/close matches that are fun to play.

The pools are basically a round robin format, so you will everyone in your pool.  Each pool has 4 players, hence, you have three remaining matches till the completion of Fall match play.  The Worksheet has all the due dates and who you play each week.  Please let me know if something is unclear.  Also, continue to report all matches to our Website, it's extremely helpful that you guys do that.

If your name does not appear in the pools, please let us know.

Also, I'd like to extend my thanks to Jonathan for helping me put these pools together, it saved me a TON of time!
VERY IMPORTANT - so keep reading
On the weekend, Nov. 9-11, there is a Super's tournament in town.  Like last year, we will be running a concessions stand and court monitoring.  For all you that want or think that you might be attending the National Tennis On Campus Championship in the Spring, we are making your service in either concessions or court monitoring mandatory.  This event is a fundraiser that helps provide funding for our tournaments, especially Nationals.  It is vital that we have attendees give back to the club with your service.  Your service will have some bearing on your selection for Nationals and placement on teams.  So please help out on this fundraiser and I'll love you forever!  As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to ask us.


The Best Tennis Club in the Nation,

Soong Hay Tam
Competition Officer

Texas A&M Tennis Club