Tuesday, January 29, 2013

How I Met Your Mother At Tennis Club


Hope school has started on a good note for everyone! 

We have practice this Wednesday. This practice the theme will be Superbowl! Wear black/purple for Ravens or red/gold for 49ers. Let's rep those colors and have another great practice doing it big!
Also, due to Superbowl weekend, we are canceling practice this Sunday, 2/3! Enjoy having a blast at Superbowl watching parties!

Dues can be paid at any time online with credit card here: https://secure.touchnet.com/C21490_ustores/web/product_detail.jsp?PRODUCTID=2136. If you paid online, bring your receipt to practice and show to get member shirt. You can also pay by cash or check to an officer on Wednesday at practice as well. Make sure you come out get signed up to the greatest club Texas A&M has to offer!

Upcoming Tournaments:
Waco Tourney 2/9
MAKE SURE TO SIGN UP via our facebook event page!
Only mark GOING or NOT GOING, maybe will be disregarded!

Make sure to join the Texas A&M Tennis Facebook group as we do all event communication through it!! 

Also, we are live on Twitter! Make sure to follow us and keep up to date with events, tournament draws, sign-up for tourneys, and other important info!
Here's the link to follow us: https://twitter.com/TAMU10S 

We are first in Texas
Michael Martin
Secretary, Texas A&M Tennis Club '12-'13

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Good golly Mr, I sure miss tennis club!


Hope y'all had a great Christmas Break with family and cool gifts!! 

Jumping jehoshaphat first practice is right around the corner!!! I know y'all are excited to get back on the courts and get your clean winner fix on! First practice will be next wednesday 1/23. Details will come next week as to what the theme will be.

Dues can be paid at any time online with credit card here: https://secure.touchnet.com/C21490_ustores/web/product_detail.jsp?PRODUCTID=2136
. If you paid online, bring your receipt to practice and show to get member shirt. You can also pay by cash or check to an officer on Wednesday at practice as well. Make sure you come out get signed up to the greatest club Texas A&M has to offer!

Make sure to join the Texas A&M Tennis Facebook group as we do all event communication through it!! 

Also, we are live on Twitter! Make sure to follow us and keep up to date with events, tournament draws, sign-up for tourneys, and other important info!
Here's the link to follow us: https://twitter.com/TAMU10S

We are first in Texas
Michael Martin
Secretary, Texas A&M Tennis Club '12-'13