Saturday, November 22, 2008

Practice, Unis

Howdy Ags!

Practice tomorrow from 4-7pm.  Remember, we got all the uniform information out.  We will be collecting the forms until the last Wednesday before Christmas break.  I will have the samples of the shirts and hoodie if you wanna check them out.  Also, don't forget to circulate that fundraising letter amongst your family and friends.  Also girls: Terry is getting some suuuuuuuuper cuuuute fleeces for the gals in club if you wanna order one.

Thanks and Gig 'Em!

-Jonathan "THE" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

lost and found

Howdy everyone,
We had a few people leave some sweatshirts and sweatpants at practice on Wednesday, I'll be sure to bring it all with me to practice on sunday but it would be nice if you could email me back and let me know if you can stop by and pick it up.  Right now I have:
2 maroon A&M sweatshirts, one has a white stripe going down the side
a Dark gray pair of pants with a light blue stripe on the side
a navy pair of sweatpants
a navy and baby blue windbreaker (this got left a while ago but I have yet to have anyone claim it)

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Friday, November 21, 2008

ladies' fleeces!


this e-mail is for all the ladies in tennis club! :)

so, we're getting some super cute tennis club fleece jackets! They are going to be black, half zip lightweight fleece pull overs with embroidered tennis rackets and "Texas A&M Tennis Club" on them. Each fleece will be $28.00. This is a REALLY good deal and they look really cute! If you would like to order one, please reply to this e-mail with your first and last name and jacket size (XS-3XL). THE DEADLINE IS BEFORE CHRISTMAS BREAK! payment can be given to any of the officers along with the rest of the uniform/hoodie orders, and I will check off names to those who replied to this e-mail. If you have any questions, please let me know!

Thanks and have a happy Thanksgiving!
terry chang

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Texas Renaissance Festival - Event Canceled

Hi Everyone!

the Renaissance Festival social has been canceled because we don't have enough people going to make it worth while. thanks for those who planned on attending. have a happy thanksgiving and we'll see you soon!

terry chang

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Uniforms, attachments, fundraising, practice tomorrow, attachments, temperature, more subjects...

Howdy Ags!

Practice tomorrow night from 8-11pm.  We finally got all the information together for the uniforms.  I am attaching images of all the options for uniforms.  You can order any of the items that you would like.  We will be offering tops and bottoms for both guys and gals, as well as some freaking awesome Tennis Club hoodies.  The prices break down as follows (sorry, but tennis club is unable to pick up much of the costs):


Top: $ 25
Bottom: $ 45


Shirt: $ 30
Shorts: $ 30


I am also attaching the order forms, and you can turn them in anytime before the Christmas break.  You cannot turn in the forms without also turning in your money.  We should have the uniforms ordered and printed by the start of next semester.

The girl's top will be white with maroon accents, and the skirt will be white.  The guys shirt will be the maroon one, and you can order either black or white shorts.  We will have samples of the girl's top and the guy's shirt at practice tomorrow so you can decide what size you want.  As for the skirt and shorts, I'm sure all of you tennis players have had a Nike skirt or pair of shorts that you can judge for yourself what size you want.  I am also attaching the design that we will be printing on the shorts, shirt, top, and skirt (it's the tballaTm file).

Alright also, we're gonna have one more fundraising oppurtunity that we really need yalls help for (and this time you'll even get something back for it).  Socials, tournaments, balls, and uniforms can get pretty expensive and if you hadnt noticed our dues are pretty low compared to most sports clubs.  We've written up a fundraising letter to send out to parents, family friends, grandparents, or whoever you want to send one to asking for donations.  We'll have plenty of stuffed envelopes at practice until the end of the semester, and I've also attached a copy to this email incase you just want to do it yourself.  Also, for every donation you bring in over $100 you will receive a 10% discount on the uniforms and sweatshirts.

Thanks and Gig 'Em!

-Jonathan "what runs faster: hot or cold?" David "hot. everyone can catch a cold" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, November 15, 2008

No practice tom (Sun), no tu-beating this wknd


No practice tomorrow.

Also, if you haven't heard, our dual vs tu this coming weekend has been cut due to lack of courts. We will reschedule it for next year. If you are looking for other wild and crazy stuff on Sat, check out Terry's group to do the renfest festivities, or help Christine play with poor kids.



Texas A&M Tennis Club

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Howdy Ags!
We still need help this weekend.  Even if you can only work an hour, we still could use your help with the court monitoring.  The club is getting money for court monitoring, but we won't get it if we can't cover all the shirts.  Take a look and see if you can work any of the available shifts:
Thanks and Gig 'Em!
-Jonathan "what kind of license does a refridgerator have?" David "a license to chill" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Hey guys,

I forgot to announce this at practice, sorry.  My friend Meredith is an exec in Sports For Kids.  They are hosting Sports Fest on November 22nd from 12:30-4:30 at the Rec, and are wanting athletes to come help with the different stations.  She has asked me to recruit a few tennis club members to work a tennis station.  Kids from all over the Bryan/College Station area are invited to attend through their elementary schools, so it would be kids ranging from 6-12.  You pretty much play games with the kids for a couple of hours and you get a free t-shirt out of it. So if you don't want to go to the Renaissance Festival, volunteer for Sport Fest. It would be great if about 4 of you could volunteer to help out. I need to know by Wednesday, November 19th.  Thanks!!!


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Texas Renaissance Festival 2008

Hey Everyone!

we're going to have a tennis club social on Saturday, November 22nd and we're going to the Texas Renaissance Festival!!!

"The Texas Renaissance Festival is one of the nation's largest, most acclaimed renaissance theme parks where the sights, sounds, tastes and beauty of the 16th century come alive!"

If you've been before, i'm sure you'll want to go again, and if you've never been, it's a great experience! i promise, it's tons of fun!

Tickets cost $21.00 per person at the gate

A facebook event has been created so please RSVP [attending] ONLY if you're going for sure. Please try to avoid [maybe].

We also need people to drive, so please let us know if you're willing to drive! you'll be reimbursed for gas money and it's not very far away.

if you have any questions, you can always visit their website at



Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Practice, Supers Tourney

Howdy Ags!

Practice tomorrow night from permitting.  We REALLY, REALLY, REALLY need help this weekend with the Supers Tourney.  This is a really big fundraiser for our club and it will really help with paying for our hotel rooms for Sectionals.  We still have a lot of openings in the schedule (  If you can fill any of these gaps for us, let David Morin know on Facebook, at practice, or email the club.  WE REALLY NEED VOLUNTEERS....I CAN'T STRESS THAT ENOUGH.  Only girls can work the concessions tho...

Anyways, see ya'll tomorrow night.  I make it rain, but I'll try to resist tomorrow so we can have some practice.

Thanks and Gig 'Em!

-Jonathan "what's brown and rhymes with snoop?" David "Dr. Dre" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Supers Tournament

Howdy Ags!

Coming up next weekend is the 2008 Bryan/College Station Super Champ MZ. We need a lot of help to do court monitoring and concessions. We especially need some volunteers for court monitoring at the off campus sites. Also we are a bit lacking in volunteers for Sunday.This is a big opportunity for the club to make some money and we really need a lot of volunteers to sign up.

The link for the sign up is here so pick a time and place and let me know!

Thanks and Gig 'Em!

David "Confession: I copy Brower's email format" Morin
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, November 8, 2008


Howdy Ags!

Practice tomorrow from 4-7pm.  We still need alot of people to volunteer for the Supers tournament next weekend.  Take a look at the Facebook event and let David Morin know if you can help out at all on either Saturday or Sunday.  This is a really important fundraiser for club, and we would really appreciate it if you would help us out some.  

Thanks and Gig 'Em!!!

-Jonathan "why did the skunk cross the road?" David "To get to the odor side" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Little Fightin' Texas Aggie Women's Tennis Action

Howdy Ags!
Tomorrow afternoon Hersh "Do It Big" Pise, David "Mr. Prez" Hoover, Soong "Hey" Hay Tam, and Kevin "lil bro, BIG game" Moran are gonna play a little dual match against the women's varsity team.  It's gonna be at 1:30pm at the varsity courts.  So if you wanna see what our women's team is all about and support Team Do It Big, come out to the courts and watch some awesome tennis.
Thanks and Gig 'Em!
-Jonathan "no forehand" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Supers Tournament

Howdy Ags!

Coming up in two weeks is the Bryan/College Station Super Champ Major Zone Tournament (yes I know, a lot of adjectives). This is a tournament that provides us with a good opportunity to do some fund raising for the club. It is also a good time to watch some high quality tennis and help out with the local tennis scene. We will be running a concessions booth and court monitoring.

The tournament will be held November 14-17 at various sites. We will be helping out on Saturday from 8:30 AM to 7:00 PM and on Sunday from 8:30 AM to 6:00 PM. Attached in this email will be the sign up list for the different times and locations that you want. I hope that we can get a lot of volunteers to sign up to enjoy some great tennis and make a little money for the club! If you are interested in volunteering please reply to this email or say something to me at club.

Thanks and Gig 'em!

-David "the words in between Brower's quotation marks own mine" Morin

Texas A&M Tennis Club

We talkin' 'bout practice

Howdy Ags!
In response to Allen Iverson being traded this week..."we gonna talk 'bout practice"
Practice tonight from 8-11pm.  It's really not that crazy out there anymore and you can get some great dubs in.  I'm always looking to hit with people, so just ask if you wanna hit a little.  Derek is also always looking for new ways to lose, so if you feel like boosting your winner stats just talk with Derek (p.s. be careful, he plays OPEN).  Thanks for everyone that went to Houston this past weekend, it was a blast.  Congrats to Team Do It Big for keeping that undefeated record alive.  I hope everyone is going to the game this weekend to witness our miracle win over Oklahoma.
Thanks and Gig 'em!
-Jonathan "Why do elephants paint their toenails red?" Richard "to hide in cherry trees..." David "have you ever seen an elephant in a cherry tree?" Carrizal "then it worked!" Brower

Texas A&M Tennis Club