Wednesday, September 1, 2021

First practice

Howdy! Everyone I am excited to announce that our first practice will be tonight at 7pm-9pm at Omar Smith intermural courts! Please bring you own balls for the first practice and I hope to see you all today!

Friday, April 2, 2021

Club Tennis Tournament


We are excited to announce that we will be hosting one more tournament before the semester is over! We got such good feedback from the last one, that we decided to do the same thing, but better! *The prizes are crewnecks, full-size towels, and water bottles* Deadline to register is April 10th at noon. The tournament will be played April 17th-18th 2021.;!!KwNVnqRv!Qc5ZvfFWInCuQy-z8JVUUvols1ApeUywbM4tbwRw4Z3r_OAXj3FXMF7zJW00PgH1YGiuc_OpOQ$

Monday, March 8, 2021

Mock - TOC Tournament

Howdy y'all!

We will be hosting mock-TOC (Tennis On Campus) tournament the weekend of March 19-21. It is open to all TAMU students. Click on the the form to see more about this tournament-;!!KwNVnqRv!UOMKB-4J945gVfWEwZHtDj8Al4EysjWo3S6SO5WHgaY5C7PyoEmR4n-G0zoZum_YJ45DeiESZQ$
I want this to be as similar to a TOC Tournament as possible, so the winning team might receive a prize 😉
Registration closes March 13th at Noon

Texas A&M Tennis Club;!!KwNVnqRv!UOMKB-4J945gVfWEwZHtDj8Al4EysjWo3S6SO5WHgaY5C7PyoEmR4n-G0zoZum_YJ44M1W5HIQ$