Thursday, February 20, 2020

No practice today


No practice today. The courts are closed. Stay warm!

Joshua Ku

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Big Event


Don't forget to sign up for Big Event by tomorrow at noon. You will need to sign up using this link instead of just saying going on facebook. 

Joshua Ku

UNT Feb 22 - 23

This will be the last tournament of the year before sectionals! It is a club tourney rather than TOC so unfortunately there will be no t-shirts. Deadline to sign up will be 2/15 at midnight. 

Joshua Ku

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Practice is on


The courts are dry therefore we will hold practice. See you there!

Joshua Ku

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Sectionals signup deadline today!


Today is the last day to sign up for sectionals and if you're worried about missing school, our tennis club advisor will be able to write an excused absence for you. 

Joshua Ku

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

No Practice Today

No practice today. It is cold.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020


Sorry y'all, the last email had the wrong dates. Sectionals will be Feb 28-Mar 1 and the deadline to sign up will be Feb 8. See you guys there!

Sectionals Feb 21-Feb 23


This will be our last TOC event this year and also the biggest of the year! Unlike the other tournaments, this will be a 3 day tournament starting Friday and ending Sunday. If you have class Friday but still want to play you can get your absence excused! To sign up for this tournament it is required to have played at least one tournament already. All of the TOC tournaments and this past weekend counts toward that but not the ranking tournament. Hope to see y'all there!