Thursday, January 31, 2019

Practice Update

Howdy Ags!

As it turns out the courts are closed due to bad weather. No practice tonight!

T's and G's

Dylan R.

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Member T-Shirts

Howdy Ags!

Our club t-shirts are finally here! Stop by practice tonight and see Christopher Crookston if you want to pick yours up. He will also have them at practice for the next few weeks as well if you can't make it today!

T's and G's,

Dylan R.

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Challenge Matches Regarding Sectionals

Howdy Ags!

Due to some confusion regarding the rules for challenge matches and eligibility for sectionals, I've been asked to provide a reminder to everyone who is planning on playing.

To be eligible for sectionals (as stated on the website) you have to have played at least one previous club tournament. This is a USTA rule and is not something we take lightly.

Also, as I mentioned in a previous email, the last day to initiate a challenge match in order for it to count for sectionals is TODAY. That being said, as a general rule challengers need to send an email to our new challenge ladder email ( Please keep in mind that any challenge emails sent to our main email will not be considered valid.

T's and G's,

Dylan R.

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, January 16, 2019


Howdy Ags!

As it turns out the weather is awful. The courts are wet so we will not be having practice tonight. Hope everyone is having a good first week!

Dylan R.

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Monday, January 14, 2019

New Year, Same Awesome Club!!

Howdy Ags!

Yes it's a new year. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas Break and are having a fantastic first day back (I forgot my phone). 

I'm going to give you guys a few updates about our schedule for the upcoming semester and hopefully I don't forget anything.

First off, our first tournament will be taking place this upcoming weekend in Dallas. Captains should begin to get in touch with everyone going as soon as the draws are released. I apologize for not blasting off an email about this but hopefully most of you got the invite from Jacob on Facebook. If you did not hear about it then please make sure to join our Facebook page "Texas A&M Tennis Club" so that you can stay up-to-date with the latest!

Secondly, practices will be starting back up this week on the usual Wednesdays and Thursdays from 7-9 PM time period at the Omar Smith Tennis Center. Make sure to bring those student ID's!

Next on the agenda will be our spring club sign-up day on January 20th for any and all who have not signed up for the club and/or want more information about us. As I am still not sure how our informationals are going to go, I will send out another update once our officers have a chance to meet and discuss it.

Finally, let's not forget that Sectionals, our BIGGEST TOURNAMENT OF THE YEAR, is coming up on February 15th! The last day for challenge matches to be accepted for this is January 26th. Mark it in your calendars and make sure you've paid dues if you would like to attend!

If I've forgotten anything or any of you are confused about something don't hesitate to ask!

Good luck to everyone this semester and I hope to see you all on Wednesday!!

Dylan R.

Texas A&M Tennis Club