Friday, November 30, 2018

End of Semester Updates

Howdy Ags!

I know many of you are busy with upcoming tests, projects, presentations, etc.. However we did want to update everyone on a few things.

First of all, practices have come to their completion for this Fall semester. We will be starting them back up right around the first or second week of Spring classes so make sure to stay tuned for updates.

We are finishing up with the designs for the t-shirts so hopefully we will have them ordered and in by the end of Winter break.

One thing everyone should keep in mind is that we will be having our annual white elephant Christmas party on Saturday, December 8th at 6 PM. The party will be at Michelle Cho's house. Her address is 2045 Jones Butler Rd, Apt. 19-1B. Make sure to RSVP on our facebook page and bring a small gift if you can!!

Good luck to everyone on their tests and make sure to BTHO finals!!

T's and G's,

Dylan R.
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, November 18, 2018


Howdy Ags!

Hope you guys are staying healthy with all this nasty weather we've been having. Our yearly friendsgiving event is being held tonight at our social officer Michelle's house! Come by to hang out and eat some good food with friends! Make sure to bring something if you guys can as it will be a pot roast! All the event information can be found on our facebook page.

T's and G's,

Dylan R.

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, November 7, 2018


Howdy Ag's,

Hope everyone is having a great week and staying healthy! We are still planning on having practice tonight as the weather appears to be finally holding off so come get some hitting in before this weekend! That being said, I've heard from a reliable source (Jacob) that there is a cold front coming in so make sure to bundle up!

Gig 'Em,

Dylan R.

Texas A&M Tennis Club