Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Last Week of Practice


Tonight and tomorrow night are the last two club practices of the semester! Same times, 6-8pm today and 7-9pm tomorrow at intramural courts. 

Also, the last day to complete a challenge match for the semester will be next Thursday (December 8). Therefore, the last day to initiate a challenge is Sunday. Any challenge initiated after Sunday does not have to be accepted. Challenges will not start up again until the start of next semester.

Good luck on exams and finals, everyone! The finish line is near, push a little harder

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Team Houses for Sectionals


I know this is looking far ahead, but we would like to know who has family/friends who live in Austin and are willing to host a team for sectionals on Feb 17-19. The more people we can get to stay at people's homes the lower sectionals fees will be (I believe it was $35 per person last year). We spend the night on Friday and Saturday (17th and 18th).

Luke Oaks also posted about this on the Facebook page, so please respond either to this email or on the Facebook post if you could potentially host for sectionals. 

Thanks you 

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Need more people for Reed Arena Clean-up this Saturday!!


This Saturday is our first Reed Arena Clean-up at 830pm. This is an awesome opportunity to help out the club, as the club gets funded to help out at these clean-ups. However we our a couple of people of short of the minimum required in order for them to pay us. 

If you can be back in College Station Saturday night, please respond to this email ASAP. You will still have most of your Saturday to relax, this is awesome bonding time with people in the club, and you will also won't have to deal with all of the traffic from people coming back on Sunday. We will probably go out to eat after the clean-up. 

Again if you can go, please respond to the email.

Thanks for all the help! Enjoy your Sunday

Jacob Escobedo
Club Secretary
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Thanksgiving Potluck this Friday


Practice today from 6-8pm and tomorrow from 7-9 pm at the intramural courts.

This Friday at 6pm is the Thanksgiving Potluck at Z-Islander. Come on out, bring some food, eat some food, and hang out with awesome friends.

Looking ahead to next Saturday (Nov 26), we will be having our first Reed Arena clean-up event from 830-1030pm. These clean-ups next to membership dues, are our biggest source of fundraising for the club. We can use as many hands as possible, and if you already plan on going, please feel free to invite other friends to help us out. They do not have to be club members. 

Looking further ahead, there will the Waco warm-up tournament January 28th. In order to eligible to play at sectionals you must play in at least one TOC tournament beforehand.

Sectionals will Febraury 17-19th (Fri-Sun) in Austin. Unlike all the other tournaments, sectionals a multi-day tournament. More details on both the Waco tournament and sectionals will be provided as we approach those dates. But please, if you have any questions regarding sectionals feel free to contact any one of the officers and they would be happy to answer as best as they can.

Have a great week!

Jacob Escobedo
Club Secretary

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Rain is gone


Unfortunate ending to the Austin tournament on Saturday, it was still great to see everyone out there.

Practice tonight from 6-8 at intramural courts. For those who did not pick up their shirt, we will have the remaining shirts, 4 tanks (M and L) and 6 t-shirts (S and M), at practice. More will be ordered and we will get them to you guys as soon as possible. 

Practice tomorrow night from 7-9pm, shouldn't be any rain.

Also, if you take some of the club balls from the box/basket to play on another court (which is totally fine), please return the balls back to box after you have finished playing for the night. Do not take them with you. When we open a new case of balls, we would like to keep as many as possible that way the whole case can last longer.

See y'all at practice

Jacob Escobedo
Club Secretary

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Monday, November 7, 2016


If you haven't received your club shirt, please respond to this email with your shirt size. 

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Last Fall Tournament


Practice today from 6-8pm and tomorrow from 7-9pm at the intramural courts. Come on out if you can, should be clear of any rain for today. Tomorrow looks a little stormy so we'll update you guys about practice for tomorrow, if necessary. 

Teams for the Austin tournament have been posted on the facebook page. Make sure you know what team you are on, captains be sure to know who all of your team members are and to contact everyone about travel plans and tournament check-in time. Everybody be aware of any updates to the teams. 

See yall at practice

Jacob Escobedo
Club Secretary
Texas A&M Tennis Club