Monday, April 21, 2014

Last Practice THIS WEEK! SAD DAY

Howdy All!

Don't forget to come out to the last practices of the semester this Wednesday and Thursday!

Also, for those that are still interested in playing in the College Station Rotary Club tournament, Vicki is taking entrances through today! I've attached the sign-up sheet again in this email.

Don't forget to congratulate our new officers for next year if you haven't already!
I hope everybody has had a fantastic semester and good luck on your finals!

"Nothing really is work, unless you would rather be doing something else" -James Barrie

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Monday, April 14, 2014

The votes are in!

Howdy y'all!

So have a few announcements to make and stuff before announcing the winners of the elections. If you don't care about the announcements, feel free to scroll to the bottom to view the winners and get pegged at practice.

First off, for those who have not received your Tennis Club T-Shirt this year, this is your last week to get one. We will have them at both practices Wednesday & Thursday from 8:00 - 10:30pm.

Secondly, we are now selling the Tennis Club T-Shirts of previous years (last two) at practices as well for $5. Starting next week, the Tennis Club T-Shirts for this year will also be on sale for $5 as well.

Also our last Tennis Club practices will be held next week on April 23th & 24th or whichever is a Wednesday or Thursday of that week. So be sure to come on out then to spend our last practices together as a family.

Finally, we have all the votes tallied up and we have the winners of this years elections! So without holding y'all in suspense any longer, here are y'all's 2014-15 Tennis Club Executive Officers:

President: The Sandblaster herself, Sandy Torres

Vice President: Ms.Gainz, Kaitlyn Sestak

Secretary: The face of Team One, Laura Pelaez

Treasurer: The Three-peat Champ: Sarah Theriault

Congrats to all the new officers and a big thanks to all of y'all for voting.

Wadih Salem '14
Tennis Club President '13-14
WWE World Heavyweight Champion

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Sunday, April 6, 2014


I apologize for not sending out an email concerning this earlier.

Don't forget that officer applications are due by Monday April 7th by noon. The details of each officer position are posted on facebook and also attached in this email. Good luck to all of those that apply!

"Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved." William Jennings Bryan

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Update for Week of April 1st

We regret to inform you that TAMU Tennis Club, as of today, has been disbanded. Due to allegations made against Tennis Club claiming that "Clean Winner" is a hazing game in which "members deliberately aim to harm other members during the course of a point", official university recognition has been revoked and the club has been ordered to cease all meetings until an official investigation into the hazing allegations can be made. 

April Fools and Happy April 1st everybody!

On to real news:

Don't forget about our profit share at Yogurtland at 4pm on Firday this week. It's gonna be bumpin! 

Second: Take a look at the attached flyer for the College Station Rotary Club tournament coming up. If your looking for some fun competition and want to test your skills in a real tournament, this is your gig.

Lastly, make sure to tell members of team 1 good luck in nationals if you see them around this week.

"What do we live for if not to make life less difficult for each other?"
-George Eliot

Texas A&M Tennis Club