Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Texas A&M Tennis Club Elections

Howdy Ags!

Elections for the 2011-2012 Officer positions will be coming up April 5th-23rd.  Texas A&M Tennis Club is a student organization run by four executive officers: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary.  There are also several non-executive officers that contribute to the governance of this club.  The four executive officers are elected by popular vote, while the non-executive officers are appointed by the executive officers.  For the time being, we will start accepting requests to be added to the ballot.  A full description of each officer position's duties can be found here.

If you are interested in running for any of the executive officer positions or want to be considered for one of the non-executive officer positions, please send a reply to the following email: tamu10selection@gmail.com

We will stop accepting election ballot requests on Sunday, April 3rd at 11:59PM.  Your response should be in the following form:


Being a club officer comes with a lot of responsibility, but it can also be extremely rewarding to see the club grow and develop under YOUR guidance.  Please consider being an officer for next year, whether it be an executive or non-executive position.  Also, do not be discouraged if you are "ONLY a Freshman (or Sophomore)."  We need younger members, more than ever, to step up and lead this club.  Please feel free to ask any of the current officers about being an officer and their experience with it.  We look forward to an excellent group of officers for the 2011-2012 school year.

Thanks and Gig 'Em!


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Practice Tomorrow

Howdy tennis club,

Practice is tomorrow from 8-11 at the intramural courts.  See ya there!!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Practice Tomorrow

Good evening to all,

Thanks to everyone who participated in the Big Event today because community members all over Aggieland are thankful for what students like us did for them today.  The day started off with an emotionally charged speech from an unknown guy who we're guessing is a former athlete.  I almost cried.  As for group #2, we raked a yard that had a deceptive amount of leaves and pulled weeds from gardens.  I want to dare anyone to pick up more leaves at one time than me or do it with more style.  Also thanks for the HUGE amount of y'all that came out!

Anywho, we have practice tomorrow.

Thaaaaaaanks aaaaaaaaaaaand gig 'em

-- Patrick Haines
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Big Event This Weekend

Howdy, howdy, howdy!
Congrats on making it back from spring break.  That's an accomplishment in itself, but I hope everyone had a relaxing/fun/enjoyable spring break.  Practice will start again on Wednesday at 8 as always. 

Big Event is this weekend, so we'll be meeting up at 8 A.M. on Saturday at Reed Arena.  We are actually split up into three different groups for three different projects, so Rushi, Ana, and I will be corralling people for certain sites.  To find out which site you'll be working at, log on to https://bigeventonline.tamu.edu/signup and click 'View Registration Details'.  We need a certain number of people for each site, so we need to try to stay as close to the groups listed as possible.  We'll meet at the Northwest entrance of Reed on Saturday at 8, but here's the site leaders' numbers if you need to contact/find them.

Patrick - 214-543-3600
Ana - 832-876-7215
Rushi - 281-635-3969

On a completely different note: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cfeTZNcA3g

Thanks and gig 'em

-- Patrick Haines
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Men's tennis this Thursday vs. Ohio State

Howdy y'all!
Sorry to flood your inbox, but I wanted to let y'all know that our men's tennis team is playing #3 Ohio State at 6 P.M. on Thursday and they need the 12th man to help them out!!  We need to show that the tennis club supports the varsity tennis team, so y'all should show up in bulk and wear your tennis club shirts when you watch your Fightin' Texas Aggies beat the hell outta OSU!!
Thanks and gig 'em!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Best Practice Ever Tomorrow

Howdy everyone!!
Tomorrow is gonna be the best practice ever!!!  That's why y'all should come out to practice. 
There won't be any practice on the Sunday before or after spring break, so the next practice after tomorrow will be on Wednesday the 23rd.  So y'all have fun on spring break, try to come back alive, and we'll get going again a few weeks from now.
Thanks aaaaaaaaaaaaand gig 'em

-- Patrick Haines
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Practice Tomorrow

Howdy everyone!
You guessed it!! We have practice tomorrow at the usual time and usual place. 
Here's a good idea if you don't like your roommate: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDUH1Pjl5Sk
If y'all have other good videos to show on the emails, post 'em on my facebook.

--Patrick Haines 
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

We Won!!

Hey y'all!
We're going to nationals again! Team 1 Did It Big and won the whole tournament and will play for everything in Cary, North Carolina in April.  We're looking to win yet another national championship this year, and we'll let you know the status of that as soon as we know.  Team 2 also got 9th overall, team 3 got 15th overall, team 6 won the Bronze bracket, team 8 won the Wimbledon bracket, and my team didn't almost get last overall this year!! 
We're not having practice on Wednesday, so go ahead and recover from the weekend and catch up on that schoolwork.  We will be having practice the rest of the semester, so plan on coming on Wednesdays and Sundays until the end of the semester.  You can still come to practice and help team 1 get ready for nationals, we're still going to play our favorite game, Brent and I are willing to teach anyone the art of hitting a tweener, maybe Rudy can tell you his secret to growing a mustache, Marc can teach you his dance, or just come and play some tennis because that's what we like to do.  You can still snag the 2 for $5 dollar nightgown/blanket/tall-tee special (extra large t-shirts) that's going on.  If you want, we can cut down the back and sell it to you as a 2 for $5 Texas A&M Tennis Club Snuggie special. 
I also wanna note that there is absolutely nothing in this email that was copy-pasted from the last email.  Everything is brand new, fresh, academy award winning stuff that will make tears come to your eyes...all the way down to the intro.  For those of you that continued to read through the repetitive information this entire semester, you earned 5 awesome points for every email read.  Awesome points can be returned to any officer at the end of the semester and redeemed for a high five. 
I thought I'd keep y'all entertained, so here's something funny: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ELY8P5PWNo
And here's want I want to see from every one of you at practice: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZb0ZWpSF-k
Ok, that's about all I've got, so get back to the books and congrats to team 1 again!!  Great job at sectionals everyone!
-Patrick Haines