Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sectionals, Fleeces

Howdy Ags!
Sectionals ended today with A&M having teams finish in 2nd, 3rd, and 6th place in the Gold Bracket.  Team 1 will now begin preparations for Nationals in April.
Some of you all were also interested in purchasing some fleeces after seeing how sweet they turned out.  We will be making one more round of orders for fleeces, but your money and your order form must be turned in by next Sunday, March 7th.  The fleeces are gray full-zips, cost $35, and are pretty ballin'.  You must turn your money in WITH the order form to Jonathan Brower.  The order form can also be found on the website (on the right hand side).
Thanks and Gig 'Em!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Friday, February 26, 2010

Sectionals and Perfection

Howdy Ags!!!

I hope that everyone going to Sectionals is super pumped!  We're gonna go out there and b.t.h.o everyone else!  Anyways, we'll all be hitting the road soon, so we'll see in you in Austin and get ready for an awesome time.

No practice Sunday

Gig 'Em!

"Perfection is the goal, and I'm headed to the pylon"

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Fleeces are in!!

Howdy Ags!

If you ordered a fleece, they are finally in!  Except for the smalls, they're on backorder (sorry Nadine =P)

They'll be available at practice tomorrow

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tennis Club!!

Howdy Tennis Club!!
I hope everyone is excited about sectionals this weekend!

So, we are having practice tomorrow at the intramural courts from 8pm to 11pm.
Please come out to this meeting, so you can get some practice in before this weekend!!

Big event sign ups will be available this Wednesday at practice.
Also, we will be selling tennis shirts for $5.00 tomorrow night!

If you need to get an excuse for class on Friday, please contact your team captains.
Remember that this letter is not considered a university excused absence!

Finally, we have sports for a couple of guys and girls on teams 6, 7, and 8.
Please contact JBrow if anyone is interested in playing on those teams!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Practice, Fleeces, Sectionals

Howdy Ags!

Practice tomorrow afternoon from 4-7pm.  Fleeces should be in by practice on Wednesday (except for smalls, they're still on backorder :(....SORRY!).  If you're going to sectionals your team captain should be in contact with you, getting you up to date with everything that is going on.  We still have space for 2 or 3 more guys and two more girls on team 8 if anyone is interested.  Email the club ASAP if you wanna play!!!

Old club shirts will also be for sale for 5 bucks tomorrow.

Stay classy folks.

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Friday, February 19, 2010

Dual Match vs. t.u.

Howdy Ags!

Some of the top guys and gals in club will be throwin' it down against t.u. tomorrow afternoon at 2PM tomorrow out at the intramural courts. So come out and support your teammates, and watch us beat the hell outta t.u.!!!

Hope to see y'all out there, giving us a little home court advantage!


Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Tennis Club!

Howdy Ags!
I hope everyone is having a great week. Good luck on your first round of exams!

We will be having practice tomorrow from 8pm to 11pm at the intramural courts.
Remember, tomorrow is the deadline for challenge matches.

At tomorrow's practice, we will be having Big Event sign-ups.
For those that don't know what Big Event is...
It is a University wide volunteering/service day in the Bryan/College Station area.
(It is also an application booster!!)

Finally, we will also be selling tennis club shirts for $5.00 tomorrow!

-- Thanks and gig'em
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tennis Club!

Howdy Ags,
I hope everyone is having a great week. Good luck on your first round of exams!

Just so you know...

Practice is tomorrow at 8pm at the Intramural courts.
The theme for tomorrow night is Dress Like the Pros.
So, dress up like your favorite pro player or wear the nicest outfit you own!
Also, we will be selling Tennis Club T-Shirts for $5 each.
Come get them while they are hawttt

Secondly, Please continue your challenge matches.
The cut-off for Sectionals is February 17th.
You can look at the challenge ladder here:

Waco, our last tournament before Sectionals, is this weekend!
If you have not got in touch with your team captains, please do so immediately.
Club is still in need for more girls and guys. So if you are available this weekend please let J. Brow know!

Finally, Tennis Club is having a profit share at Schlotzky's on Harvey Mitchell this Friday.
It is located in front of Wal-Mart on Texas Ave.
Go out this Friday and chill with your fellow members and team captains.

-- Thanks
Texas A&M Tennis Club

Monday, February 8, 2010

Tennis Club Important!

Hey Ags,
This email is to all our ladies in Tennis Club.
We have many open spots for the Waco tournament this weekend.
If you are interested in playing, please email us back at

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Practice, Waco, Super Bowl

Howdy Ags!

Practice tomorrow afternoon at 4.  We will probably only be out there until about 5 or 5:30 because of the Super Bowl, but come on out if you want and get some extra practice.  Also, if you want to buy some old/extra club shirts we'll have some for sale for $5.  Get ready for Waco which is coming up next weekend.  Your team captains will be in contact with you soon.  

Finally, some of y'all were coaches for some local junior tennis teams...if you are interested in coaching one of these teams, read this message below from the local junior team tennis coordinator:

I was wondering if you could send this on to the club team members to see if we have any volunteers to help coach again.

They would coach on Sundays, 2pm, these dates: 2/28, 3/7, 3/28, 4/11, 4/18

BVTA will pay them $75 to coach and have a couple of practices.

They will need to contact me if interested.

Thanks for your help!



Martha Schroeder

League Coordinator


Hope everyone is having a great weekend! Gig 'em!

Texas A&M Tennis Club

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Howdy Ags!
I hope everyone is having a wonderful week. Sorry for the late email, I was having some
technical difficulties.

On to the important information!

Practice is tomorrow from 8pm to 11pm at the intramural courts!
Please stat your challenge matches! The Waco tournament is around the corner, and we need the best teams to play!
The ladder and can be found here:
Rules can be found here:
Also, please send us an email saying whether or not you can play the tournaments in Waco, Sectionals, both, or neither.

If you can play at least one event, please indicate your shirt size in the email.

Remember again to send our fundraiser letter to anyone you can. Any and all help is appreciated!

Also, we will be selling Tennis Club t-shirts tomorrow for $5.00.
Get them while they're HOT!

Thanks and Gig'em

Texas A&M Tennis Club